Monday, March 22, 2010

Besieged Gaza denied water
blockade of the Gaza Strip caused to Palestinians living in the coastal area to not have fresh water.

Who: palestanians


where: Gaza Strip

why: natural cause

how: by blocking the Gaza Strip it caused many of their fresh water

US passes landmark healthcare bill

who: US house of reprsesntatives.

what: they are trying to pass a healthcare law


where: US house of representatives

why: peoples healthcare is getting bad and a new law is needed

how: by making and enforcing the law

Rising waters threaten Nile Delta
who: the nile delta
what: fishermen say that the water is pulluting the fih making it harder for them to get a catch
where: Nile delta and Mediterrainian caost line
why: river is getting polutted
how: they say it is the cause of global warming or something like that

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Easter in other countries!

Easter is the holiday where Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus, and other people celebrate chocolate bunnies. But what do other countires do for this holiday? Is it any different from the way our traditions are? Well actually the same consept of celebrating Chist's resurection is applied, but they do it in much different ways.

In Africa hundreds of people gather in a church whichnis decorated with vintage and kanga, clothes made in the forms of butterflies, floweres, etc. A series of church hyms and the beating of traditional drums. They later on have traditional dances held, then after this mass the families return to their homes and continue their easter day with a meal. So that's how Africa does Easter, but what about Australia?

Since Australia is a huge country, many people celebrate this holiday differently. Most people attend church and have the usual Easter sunday service. They usually have fruit buns for breakfast, which usually have a cross on top. Children often exchange chocolate easter bunnies or easter eggs, which someitmes have little tiys in them...very cool! Tney have a tradition of shareing easter meaks with famuly, which is lmb, beef or chicken, potatoes, carrots, and pumkin.

In Russia, Easter is celebrated back to the time when two holidays were given, known as Judaic holiday or ‘Pasah’. Every year they celebrated the onset of spring for a wee, which was dedicated to the release of Jews from the Egyptian slavery. Today, Easter celebrations in Russia start with Great Lent, on the Monday after Maslenitsa, where special church services take place, followed by fasting. For most of the Russians, Easter is more of a holiday for enjoyment than a day for following customary traditional activities or religious ,matters.

For mexico, this is the time for a great vacation. In many places plays are performed of Christ's ressurection. Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday is where the Pascua is the observance for the period from the Resurrection Sunday to the following Saturday. So they pretty much celebrate it within a span of a week, not just one day.

As you could see, Easter is really about Christ rising from the dead. No matter where you go, that us what it's about. But we did see that countries celebrate it defferently. Many traditions are held, some are weirder than others, but in the end it's all about Jesus!