Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to things..

1) HOw to enjoy a good movie?
2) How to get on American idol
3) How to make smoothies for your baby
4) Is it ok to drink rice water when pregnant
5) How to find teenage rumaways
6) How to over come being shy
7) How to hide Christmas gifts
8) How to clean a duck

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The way a lady lives in some coubtry

Ok its a very small house..I would freak witht that little of space, but it is very neat and clean, organized, and white...literally white. like white on a cow in the morning (influenced by hannah bell)

the kids bedroom is supper small, like the size of my parents closet................................................................??????????????????????????????????????????????very large closet)
the shower is see though..SEE THROUGH!!! very weird...but very cool

Monday, October 26, 2009


Slap bracelets, also referred to as snap bracelets and slap wraps, were one of the hottest accessories of the 1980's. They were the thing that everyone wanted, even guys! Their eye popping color become the attention to many young stylist's, and soon people started wearing them without even noticing the huge effect that was going on.
Everybody seemed to love the 'snap' sound that they would make when brought to their wrists...many would also have many other uses as well like chocker necklaces and mini swords (lil' kidddds). Many stores seemed to have noticed the popularity the bracelets were getting, so they started making some themselves to sell for a profit. Now in the 2000's they still seemed to be a big hit. Not only the stores sold them, but kids would start selliing them, in small waas like a trade for something.
Kids would bring them everywhere, and get into some trouble with them like pocking eyes out and stuff, adn you can guess the teachers didn't like that. So the in style slap bracelets were band from many schools, and that stopped some of the growth of them. The rest of the down groth of these accessories was simple because of the change of style. They had just become too simple to people and the hipp slap bracelets are hardly ever seen anywhere.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


1) Media goes crazy with the boy in a balloon story. They totally mistook a prank for the real thing, and got pretty much everybody confused and worried over it. Little did they know that it was actually a prank that parents did to get money and attention from the media and press. The little boy was hiding in their attic while all the comotion was going on that a boy might be dying in a balloon. To me the media should have gone into a better investigation of the whole thing, and for that action they got everyone freaked out...a media melt-down ofcourse.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barnes & Noble

So what is the book store Barnes and Noble like? Like what's in there, the books it contains, and many other questions that have been waiting to be asked, so i ventured out to Perkins Rowe to answer some common and uncommon questions concerning this store. It was a bit challening because I hardly ever go ther, but I learned many things about this place. It seems like good place to relax and stuff.

The place is divivded into a section for movies and music, books and magazines, Barnes & Noble Jr. (the kids section), a Starbucks, customer service which is located in the middle of the B&N, and a bathroom,ofcourse. The movie and music section is very organized in my oppenion. For movies there aare clips to watch and many options of new and old videos to buy. All the new movies are located in the fron of the store to atract more customers. The music section is pretty much the same as the movie section. nothing super different except that its music not movies. The book and magazine section is just like any library, only bigger! They are sectioned of by genres and and stuff like that. It's really easy to find a book there because the customer service is very reliable, and it's in the middleof the store. Can't get much easier than that. Now to my favorite part; STARBUCKS! I absolutly love that they have onee in there. I just get coffee and sit there, but others use it to study, talk, and just sit for relaxation. It smell like coffee...Love It! The kids section is very...child-like. There's a small stage with chairs where adults would read stories to young kids. It is really cool for young kids.

The card dicount system works like a gift card sort of thing. you get 25% off any hardcovered book. very cool. My experence with the B&N project was fun. my sister and I had funrnning from end to end of the place trying to find the answers to all the questions we were asked. I learned new stuff about it, and I may just visit it more often. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ccrazzy school videos (and some not so).

This is a very cool experiment! SO easy to do too because the video shows two little kids doing the project. It show them pouring water and vinegar in the jar, then baking soda in a balloon. They then put the balloon on the bottle and it starts to inplate! It is sooo awesome! Plus the little kids were adorable.

In this little experiment mentos are being combined with diet coke and guess what...IT EXPLODES!..sorta. the two scienctist people had a bunch of mentos and diet coke, and once they were combined they erupted into a diet coke volcano. They also did this thing wheere they ahd all the 2liters of diet coke lined up, then they dropped the mentos in and it looked so cool! I'd love to try that one day.

Friday, October 9, 2009


WHO: a seven year old boy by the name of Lucas Murray.
WHAT: uses acholocation to see
WHEN: since he was just a little boy
WHERE: Dorset, England
WHY: he has been blind since he was born blind.
HOW: by clicking his tongue against the top of his mouth.


WHO: black dogs in shelters.
WHAT: they aren't being sold to loving families as much as the other dogs.
WHEN: october 9, 2009
WHERE: animal shelters.
WHY: they don't photograph as well as light colored animals.
HOW: unknown


WHO: 5 year old Scott Hughes.
WHAT: he kills an alligator.
WHEN: october 5,2009