Thursday, May 20, 2010

NP final EXAM stuff!

1) How to soundly improve memory- To improve ypur memory pf somthing it is very simple. It starts by resting your mind and getting a good nights sleep. while sleeping have somone play a recording of the thing that you want to remember and that should et it stuck into your head. Also when sleeping be sure to avoid sleep apnea, where the brain gets little oxygen due to you stop breathing for a while while sleeping. Oxygen helps this memory process, and with this you can learn hpw to remember the things you fogot.

2) How to win a street fight- The first step is to analyze the problem and decided if the person who is angry with you wants a fight. If it is obvious that he intends to harm you, then you have to ask if you copuld win. If you are a small person going after a huge, buff person, your gunna loose, so run away and call for help. If you think you can win it and get out of triuble, then you have to get some nerve and think about how to take this person down. Go for the quick knock out. Try to connect at the point where the jaw bone connects to the side of the head. If you hit them hard enough, they won't be getting back up. If thats successful, you must do the smart thing and get help. No matter what, do not fight when you have the dount that you may loose and get hurt.

3) How to use public restrooms- First you must choose the cleanest stall, and if there isn't one, then leave. After choosing the cleanest stall, use a pape cover thingy for the seat to insure clean hygiene. After the stall, you HAVE to wash your hands. Hot water and soap are reconmended, but if there is no soap then turn the hot water on and scrub hard. When leaving the restroom, do not touch the door handle with your hands. Use a paper towel or wait for someone else to come into the restroom.

4) How to deal with an uninteresting teacher- Getting on the teachers good side is the first strep. Teachers like enthusiastic students, so be active in asking questions and take notes and listen to the teacher. Also do a little bribing. Give your teacher a small gift and some chocolate or somthing; they love that stuff! Overall, be attentive and follow the teachers directions. Don't get upset about the assignments she/he gives, instead ask if you can do some extra work on it. With this, your uninteresting teacher will become fun and learn to give you priviledges.

5) How to live with someone with OCD- First, learn about the disorder that they have. When you let them know that you underdstand what they are going though, they will feel less stressed and on edge about it. Then, do whatever you can to help them ease their minds of the OCD symptoms. When the person goes to therapy, go with them a couple times to see what it is like to deal with it. If they don't go to therapy, then ask them they want to go. In the end, don't let the OCD run your life or the other persons life. Help the and support them in all that they do and let them know your there for them.

6) How to talk to a child who stutters- First off, Talk with the child in an unhurried way and pause frequently.Wait a few seconds after the child finishes speaking before you begin to speak. Let him get it all out, never finish his sentences for him. Never criticize or advise him to slow down. If you speak slowly and don't act so in a hurry, your child will learn to take his time when speaking. Limit the number of questions you ask him. You don't want to confuse him. And lastly, accept that the child is fine just the way they are.

7) How to get ride of roaches- Roaches like the bathrooms and kitchens for some reason, so keep those areas clean. Don't let garbage sit out, for they like to be around the gross stuff like that. Since they like water, make sure to drain all water in bathrooms and kitchens. Spray your house with roach spray to make sure none come back and annoy you anmore.

8) How to tie your shoes- Cross the two shoestring ends over each other once and then loop one end under the other to make the first basic knot. In your right hand hold the right shoelace, with palm down, in your pinky, ring and middle fingers. In your left hand hold the left shoelace, with palms down, in your pinky, ring and middle finger. Position your index fingers and thumbs in gun position. With your right hand place your index finger over the right shoelace and your thumb under the right shoelace. Your hand will be spinning towards you and the string will rest on top of your index finger and thumb. With your left hand spin your thumb away from you over the shoelace and your index finger under the shoelace. Your hand will spin away from you and the string will rest on top of your index finger and thumb. With your right index finger on the bottom and right thumb on top grab the left shoestring between your left finger and thumb. Hook the right string with your left index finger between the right index finger and thumb. Pull strings in opposite directions.

9) How to babysit- know the family and know wht the p[arents would like for you to do with the kids. Make games, schedules, and other activities for them to play with. Avive to the house that you will be watching the kids at a good 10-15 minutes early. This will allow the kids to get situated with you and get comfortable. Do not yell or be rude to the kids, even if they are acting up. IF you must, them ask the parents what the disipline is for their children. Have fun with the kids and be kind.


If I were the newspaper editor for next years paper, I would encourage the new staff to be prepeared. Yes it is very fun and exciting, but it requires alot of hard work and deicaion. Being a part of the NP staff is a privledge, as well as an honor.

During the course of the year, much hard work will be done, along wiht many games, activities, and randomness will be done. In all of the classes that I have taken, I think it is this class that I enjoyed the most. When you enter into this classroom, it is nothing but fun and entergetic. Many talented and ahrd working people have been in this class, and you have the opportunity to express yourself in this class.

If i could be editor, then I probally wouldn't change that much. The previous editors did a pretty amazing job. I enjoyed being in this class and hope to take all the things i learned here to heart and learn thought them.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ode to da seniors in journalism!!

You are so very sweet and compassionate. I love the excitment and joy you brought into the journalism class and newspaper. I just love how you talk about amazing things and how you mak it funny and interesting. It was a great pleasure to have your smiles in class everyday. Love ya and good luck with college! :)

Even though you were probaly the quietest one in the class, I still love you soo very much. You are kind and have an amazing way of showing it. Iam glad that you got to paticipate with all the strange and wild things we did; it made you a special part of the NP family. Well with love and smiles I hope you have a blessed life and hope to see you around. Love ya! :)

Okay, besides being totally spontanious and crazy (in a good way), you were also very incouraging. Having you as editor to the Newspaper really helped us out this year. You made sure that we didn't forget to to plug in our stories, or when you sent late texts to tremind us to wear our NP shirts. Over all, you are fun and amazing to be around. Thank you for all you have done and i wish you luck in oyur dream of building a nursing home (really, i thinks you can do it). Bye! :)

Well I can sure say that I learned how crazy you really were thought this year more than I ever did. It was so fun to hear you make all the small, and big, jokes about every small thing possible. I mean really, it got us all in the laughing mood, whether felt like laughing or not. It was an awesome year and I may be seeing you around with Logan from time to time...maybe not. Well good luck and have fun! :)

you have been soo sweet and generous eversince I've know you. Now you are that and very friendly and fun. I really appriciate all that you have helped me with and I hope you have long lasting memories of all of us, even the super carzy and stupid momment we had that we would never dare tell anyone. I love you very much and hope you have a blessed life. :)

Since day one when you joined the NP staff I was soo excited! You have an awesome personality and are always possitive. You helped out a ton, even when you and I got paired eith that cute second grader who spoke a little too much,,yeah, I really don't know what I would have done with you haha. I love you sooo much and I really hooe to see you agian. :)

Yes even though you weren't chosen from the beginiing of the year to be in this class, you are still a huge part in the NP family. You have made me laugh soo many times, and i really will misss you. I wish I could have gotten to know you even better, but I already know that you are amazing, sweet, funny, and pretty. I love you very much and hope to see you around. :)