Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ode to da seniors in journalism!!

You are so very sweet and compassionate. I love the excitment and joy you brought into the journalism class and newspaper. I just love how you talk about amazing things and how you mak it funny and interesting. It was a great pleasure to have your smiles in class everyday. Love ya and good luck with college! :)

Even though you were probaly the quietest one in the class, I still love you soo very much. You are kind and have an amazing way of showing it. Iam glad that you got to paticipate with all the strange and wild things we did; it made you a special part of the NP family. Well with love and smiles I hope you have a blessed life and hope to see you around. Love ya! :)

Okay, besides being totally spontanious and crazy (in a good way), you were also very incouraging. Having you as editor to the Newspaper really helped us out this year. You made sure that we didn't forget to to plug in our stories, or when you sent late texts to tremind us to wear our NP shirts. Over all, you are fun and amazing to be around. Thank you for all you have done and i wish you luck in oyur dream of building a nursing home (really, i thinks you can do it). Bye! :)

Well I can sure say that I learned how crazy you really were thought this year more than I ever did. It was so fun to hear you make all the small, and big, jokes about every small thing possible. I mean really, it got us all in the laughing mood, whether felt like laughing or not. It was an awesome year and I may be seeing you around with Logan from time to time...maybe not. Well good luck and have fun! :)

you have been soo sweet and generous eversince I've know you. Now you are that and very friendly and fun. I really appriciate all that you have helped me with and I hope you have long lasting memories of all of us, even the super carzy and stupid momment we had that we would never dare tell anyone. I love you very much and hope you have a blessed life. :)

Since day one when you joined the NP staff I was soo excited! You have an awesome personality and are always possitive. You helped out a ton, even when you and I got paired eith that cute second grader who spoke a little too much,,yeah, I really don't know what I would have done with you haha. I love you sooo much and I really hooe to see you agian. :)

Yes even though you weren't chosen from the beginiing of the year to be in this class, you are still a huge part in the NP family. You have made me laugh soo many times, and i really will misss you. I wish I could have gotten to know you even better, but I already know that you are amazing, sweet, funny, and pretty. I love you very much and hope to see you around. :)

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