Thursday, August 20, 2009

50 newspaper ideas!

l)health tips(beauty,makeup, excersize)
2)style ideas( how to mix and match your clothes)
3)short stories( tall tales, doumentaries, etc.)
4)crossword puzzles
5)cut out paper oragomy things
6)how to organize your locker
7)about certain holidays
8)how to prepare a deliciouse subway sandwhich
9)vacation ideas(places)
10)where to plant flowers and were they wpuld go
11)how many pieces of something are in a jar(jar in office filled with something. Winner gets CHOCOLATE!
12)why students should not get demerits
13)tips on how to sing without hurting your voice and save embaressment.
14)cool music
15)days we get off
16)student stories
17)picture gallery
18)honoring the seniors
19)can bugs think?
20)how to take apart and put together your computer
23)how to draw a girl's face
24)locate the difference(pictures)
25)scrapebooking on smilebox
26)how to make a movie
27)windows laptop vs. apple laptop
29)elementsry stuffs
30)crazy pics
31)cool websites to look at
32)kerpoof movie
33)top grades in school
34)whats cool on tv
36)how to learn how to play guitar(online)
37)food facts
38)info on the missins trip
39)sugar as a breakfast diet
40)how to make a flip book story thing
41)your future house
42)strange phobias
43)making pottery
46)famous restraunts
48)does coffe really keep you up?
49)good study habits
50)newspaper stuff!

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