Tuesday, November 3, 2009

thanksgiving around the world

As many of you know America is the founding country of the holiday Thanksgiving, but do any other countries celebrate this Holiday of thanking? Well you might be suprised, but the answer is yes! Many countries share in this thanking holiday, although they have an intirlly different way of doing it. The chinese thanksgiving, called Chung Ch'ui or the August moon festival, is quite the opposite of Americas. It is celebrated iin mid August and and instead of turkey they dine on roasted pig and mooncakes, and this holiday is three days long! How awesome would that be, three days of none stop eating! Jewish families celebrate a seven day long celebration calles Sukkoth. The meaning of their celabrating is to thank God for caring for Moses and the Hebrews while they wandered 40 years in the wilderness before entering the promise land. They build huts and move into them for the seven days and hang fruits amd vegitables from the roof of their huts. A sseramony is held everyday to remember their Hebrew ancesters and thank God for the hrvest. In many other countries different and unique tradition are going on. Whether in the month of November or any of the other eleven months, all the types of thanksgiving have one thing in common: giving thanks for something or to someone that has done good to the people. In America we all come to thank God for the harvest He blessed the pilgrims with many years ago. This holiday is truely a world wide thing that has everybody in the thankful mood.

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