Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's in the Jar?

hey BCS people! Well we are almost to our first real break of the year, and what better way to celebrate that than with a jar of skittles! Yep, for the November "What's in the Jar?" contest we have sweet skittles. That means that two of you lucky people, elementary and Jr. High/High school students, may win the jar. There is a really good percentage that you could win because some people don't even guess, which makes it to where you have less people to compete with. Just remember that to win, you have to guess how many skittles there are in the jar, guess the right number, don't cheat, blah blah blah, you get the picture. Pretty simple and worth the good one minute it takes to right down the stuff, plus you get to visit the sweet office staff. so, be sure to guess so you can spend your week long Thanksgiving witha jar of skittles! Oh I almost forgot to congratulate the winners of last issue! Congratulations to High school students Jaclyn Stabler and Kayla Sherton, and elementary student Andrew Alexander. Great job guys, and to every other student, staff, and appriciated substituts, have a HAPPY THANSGIVING!!

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