Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My life!

My name is Nicole and I was born in BR, Louisina in the month of August. My mom said that I was born a few weeks pre-mature and that I was a bit small, but I just consider that special. At least I wasn't in like some medical emergency like some people are. I was just small, and that kinda got me off to a slow start in life.

When I was in second grade at BCS (maybe sooner; this is how far I can remember)I wasn't the smartest or fastest kid in the class. I had the most hardest time staying still in my seat and reading. I kept speaking without thinking, and at times that wasn't the best thing. My partial dyslexia and ADHD got me held back in second grade (In kindergaten too, only because my mom thiught I was too small to be in that class). At that momment in time, I didn't really know what was going on; I only remember that I was leaving all of my friends that I never got to see again.

My mom would take me to this doctor that tried to figure out what was wrong with me and why I had so much trouble reading. He diagnosed that I had Partial dyslexia. He said I would never be able to read again, but my mom thought and believed differently. She tried, I believe, two tutors before coming to Lifetime Tutoring Center. The lady that would teach me was so nice, and a christian. She had me read off this long list of words and would reward me when I got though a whole column without messing up or studering. After many months at that tutoring place my reading improved. I came from a dyslexia to better reading, even when a doctor said it was impossible.

My ADHD improved too. I wasn't as hyperactive, and I could start sitting down with pattence by fifth grade. I still at momments wiull have some effects of the tings I had like at times I studder when reading and talking, but not nearly as bad. Iam a bit loud, but I hink thats just my personality. I'm sooo glad that Iam over with that phase of my life, and now I can continue with the one I'm living now. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

What's in the jar?

Hey everyone! well it's that time of the month agian, yes the time to win a delicious jar of candy Just like our winners of the skittles, 8th grader rebecca marsh and_______. For december we are going to keep the Christmas spirit in the competition by having santa claus shaped hershey's bars. Ofcourse you all know the rules, and I know that you will all follow them right? Of course. So before the three days of exams and your two week long Christmas/New years break, drop by the office and guess the number of Santa Clauses...well in chocolate.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

America's Future

The future has so much in store for it. Many new inventions that people want to see come to full affect, and many other different things. heres also global warming, but that is twisted up alredy. The future will be a time for change, and a bunch of different things.

America's present

America's present has changed rappidly from the past. Fashion, people, speech, and ways of living are relly nothing like the past. In many ways the change is good. For example, the electricity and electronics that were made help in everyday life and in descovering new scientific material. but in other ways it got worse. The war problem is still at an increase and doesn't seem like it will cease at an momment. It seems to just be growing fast and more pain is coming to it. On the other hand there are many charities and stuff going around to help peopl and animals.

The present is actually pretty well equiped, and is said to be the generation of electronic stuff or something. It really has changedd, and in my opion could need improment, but thats in the future.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

America's past history:

America's past has alot to be said about. Many things like war, segregation, and change took place. From slavery to war upon war upon war, they all have a huge part in America's past. It seemed to have all started with the indians and explorers that took their land. That would be America's first war. It seems that since then the wars have never stopped, but the things in the past have also been the birthing of a begining that would change over many decades.
What happened in the past has set up so much for us in this present day. Holidys such as Thanksgiving woul not be held if the past was not how it is now. The wars and fighting we could have done without though; all that really camre from all that is death, lose of loved ones, destroying of some fine towns, and more war, but it seems to be our nature which is a it scary. The past is truely something that we can look back on and it will give us the true discription of America's history.