Tuesday, December 1, 2009

America's past history:

America's past has alot to be said about. Many things like war, segregation, and change took place. From slavery to war upon war upon war, they all have a huge part in America's past. It seemed to have all started with the indians and explorers that took their land. That would be America's first war. It seems that since then the wars have never stopped, but the things in the past have also been the birthing of a begining that would change over many decades.
What happened in the past has set up so much for us in this present day. Holidys such as Thanksgiving woul not be held if the past was not how it is now. The wars and fighting we could have done without though; all that really camre from all that is death, lose of loved ones, destroying of some fine towns, and more war, but it seems to be our nature which is a it scary. The past is truely something that we can look back on and it will give us the true discription of America's history.

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