Friday, January 29, 2010


Stephen Glass was a very smart man. He wrote amazing magazine stories for the "New Replublic" and everybody loved them. But there was much more to his stories than just a good plot and very educated information. I guess you could say that he would lie in his stories, but the word "lie" seems a little small to use for what he did. He totally remixed the stories and made up things.
He stared out in the paper as a young writter, and I'm guessing that when he wanted more publicity he started going for the really far fetched stories. Once he stared writting one story of fiction, he started a totally different story. One story was of a kid who made this website and got a ton of fame by it, but guess what? It was all fake. Yes ofcourse it was an amazing story, but it didnt line up when they started tearing apart his storiies.

In general, Stephen Glass was an amazing writter, the only problem was the lies. If he would have done without that he would have made a great career as a writter. He did, however, write his own book about his axperiance at the New Rebublic.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

*Prayers for Haiti *

Earthquakes are how the Earth releases stress, by the moving of plates in the Earth's surface. When this stress is great enough, the lithosphere breaks or shifts. As the plates move they put forces on themselves, which inevitably causes the crust to break. When this happens, the stress is released as energy that moves through the Earth in forms of waves, which we feel and call an earthquake. And why would I be telling you this? Well to know about the something helps you understand why it happens; like the devastating earthquake that happened in Haiti on January 12, 2010.

About two weeks ago around 7:00 pm, this destructive quake hit the capital city of Haiti,Port-Au-Prince. It was such a massive disaster that it was rated 7.0 on the Richter scale, which is close to the highest i can get which is 10. Many buildings and homes, families and friends, even loved pets were injured, lost, or even killed by this. Over thousands of buildings were destroyed, and multitudes of people were trapped under them. Some of the people trapped made it out, but others have sadly not, or are still underneath the rubedge. One of those lucky surviors is Wismond Exantus.

This man did the unthinkable and surivied for 11 days under the fallen store he worked at. He was a cashier and when he felt the rumbling he wisely got under his desk, which saved his life. Under all of that debris and no light to tell him what the time of day was or any hope of being rescued, he still held on. He survived by grabbing food items like crisps, soft drinks, beer, whiskey, and sweets. Now that doesn't seem like the ultimate meal to some of us, but for him it was a buffet that kept him from straving to death.

After 11 days living like that, rescuers, who heard little tappings that came from where Wismond was, came and reascued him. He was suprisingly not harmed at all and cheers were going on when he came from under all of the debris. His brother, Enso, was there and embraced him with a hug. Wismond replied that what kept him alive was, "Every night I thought about the revelation that I would survive. It was God who was tucking me away in his arms. It gave me strength".

Many people like Wismond have been rescued and are now in recovery. Others are lingering in the hearts of loved ones. Across the U.S. and other countries peopleare donating money in order to help those hurting and hurt ones, and to rebuild and supply food for them. already billions of dollars have gone to Haiti and the number is still increasing. The generousity that all these nations are giving to Haiti is completly amazing. Haiti is really in need of all of this help and prayers.

There are many people there who have lsot hope in finding there loved ones, and even the government has called off all the searches for lost people. By giving prayer, money, and support to Haiti we can boost their hopes up. Giving them encouragemant is all they need at this momment. We can't fully understand what the mothers who have lost their children or children that have now became orphans feel because we have never been in a situation like this before. I believe that we would put ourselves in their postion and think what we would like others to do to help, then we can all give a little extra to them. Let us all make prayers for Haiti.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Uteach favs.!

I liked Nathans yteach about the pinball thing. That is like soooo cool. I didin't try it yet, but it obviously works because a couple people have already tried it an they said it worked. Eventhough it is a form of cheating at the game, I don't really think it matters because like nobody plays theat game anymore, so imma try it sometime.

The second uteach that I liked was alexis's on the chocolate chip cookies. It's a relly cool way to make cookies using scratch ingredients, which would come in handy if you want some and you have no cookie mix. I plan on doing this like soon because right now im getting hungry for some cookies! plus Alexis passed out cookies which was amazing!!!

Finally I liked Laura's money thing (which might be illegal) the most. It was soo cool. I never knew money had a certain string and what not. It was crazy and it seems like funn, but I won't be going around telling people about this only because it illegal.

20 things that discribe picture form!




Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NP's for other schools!

-NAME: Zachary High School
-LOCATION: Zachary
-NP NAME: Bronco Business

-NAME: Baker High School
-NP NAME: Hornets Herald

-NAME: Carmel High school
-LOCATION: California
-NP NAME: Sandpiper

-NAME: Blair high school
-LOCATION: Motgomery
-NP NAME: silver chip

-NAME: St. Francis high school
-LOCATION: St. frncis
-NP NAME: Spartan weekly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My opinion on blogging

Blogging is actually not as bad as many people give creadit for. It is a bit boring at times, but when your doing a really interesting story it can be real fun. Plus alot of information has to be searched before completing a blog assignment. Many times you have to do an assignment that you have no idea what its about or even what it is, so research is the way to go. It did help when I was actually working with someone else on a blog assignment because it was easier to find information when two people are looking for it. The 3 main blog assignments that I liked where the EDHEADS (all of those activities), Hurricane house, and the wacky hotel places.

The EDHEADS assignment was sooooo amazing! I love how it let me interact with the surguries and activity game things. The graphics were really good and a bit grusome too. I liked doing all of that and having fun.

The hurricane house was funn, but a bit tooo easy for me. It still was an educational and funn way to learn how to be safe in a hurricane. Basickly i just clicked around and won...weird but fun.

The wacky hotels are really cool. They are defiantly some hotels I would vist just because of what they are like. Some of the craziest things are in these hotel rooms. Like a coffin room, a room that is upside down, and many other weord stuff. It was fun looking and learn about them.

my least favorite is the 50 np ideas. They were just so hard and require waaay to much thinking for me. I don't really like them,,,at all. I would rather do alot of research bloggs other than the np ideas. they are soo hard to think of.