Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My opinion on blogging

Blogging is actually not as bad as many people give creadit for. It is a bit boring at times, but when your doing a really interesting story it can be real fun. Plus alot of information has to be searched before completing a blog assignment. Many times you have to do an assignment that you have no idea what its about or even what it is, so research is the way to go. It did help when I was actually working with someone else on a blog assignment because it was easier to find information when two people are looking for it. The 3 main blog assignments that I liked where the EDHEADS (all of those activities), Hurricane house, and the wacky hotel places.

The EDHEADS assignment was sooooo amazing! I love how it let me interact with the surguries and activity game things. The graphics were really good and a bit grusome too. I liked doing all of that and having fun.

The hurricane house was funn, but a bit tooo easy for me. It still was an educational and funn way to learn how to be safe in a hurricane. Basickly i just clicked around and won...weird but fun.

The wacky hotels are really cool. They are defiantly some hotels I would vist just because of what they are like. Some of the craziest things are in these hotel rooms. Like a coffin room, a room that is upside down, and many other weord stuff. It was fun looking and learn about them.

my least favorite is the 50 np ideas. They were just so hard and require waaay to much thinking for me. I don't really like them,,,at all. I would rather do alot of research bloggs other than the np ideas. they are soo hard to think of.

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