Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Uteach favs.!

I liked Nathans yteach about the pinball thing. That is like soooo cool. I didin't try it yet, but it obviously works because a couple people have already tried it an they said it worked. Eventhough it is a form of cheating at the game, I don't really think it matters because like nobody plays theat game anymore, so imma try it sometime.

The second uteach that I liked was alexis's on the chocolate chip cookies. It's a relly cool way to make cookies using scratch ingredients, which would come in handy if you want some and you have no cookie mix. I plan on doing this like soon because right now im getting hungry for some cookies! plus Alexis passed out cookies which was amazing!!!

Finally I liked Laura's money thing (which might be illegal) the most. It was soo cool. I never knew money had a certain string and what not. It was crazy and it seems like funn, but I won't be going around telling people about this only because it illegal.

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