Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien

These two men were reporters of "The Washinton Post", who uncovered the mystery of the Nixon skandel to winning the presidential elction. They spent many nights and days trying to uncover the mess being thrown st them, even when they didn't know where to turn. They kept going for the story and didn't stop till the case was settled and president Nixon ened up resigning. But how did these guys start off as such good kournalists? Well I'll take you through how both of them stared out in the newspaper, blogging bsiness.

First we have Bob Woodward, whos real, extended name is Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward. He was born on Illonis on March 26, 1943. He started his writing in Yale University. He was a creative writter, and accepted a job at "The Washington Post" after being denide the spot of lieutenant. Harry M. Rosenfeld th post's metroplitan editor, gave him a two-week trial but did not hire him because of his lack of journalistic experience. After a year he was hired as a Post re[orter on september, 1971. that is how he got started out in the "Washington Post".

Second is Carl Bernstein. He was born on February 1944. He got started out at the "washington post" by graduating from university of maryland, college park. He has gone through alot, including being arrested for drunk driving. But that idnt stop him in getting into the washinton post. he still did the story and made history by spotting and first suspecting Nixon's skandel.

These two men helped and actually stopped a man from cheating his way to the top. They dedicated their work to the watergate scandel, eventhough their lives were sorta in danger. They didn't take no for an answer when asking questions and persecered to get the truth.

Friday, February 19, 2010

How to get rid of annoying siblings

Well if you have had annoying siblings and not known what to do with them, well I believe I may be able to help. you see I have three siblings, and they do everything to get on my nerves! anything they can get thier hands on they annoy me with it. my older brother just tends to not give me rides to the places i want to go to and he tslks to me when i don't want to be talk to. my little sister and little brother do pretty much anything they can to drive me crazy! this is how i would handle it:

To start off, when they nag me to do things for them and all i want to do is slap them and yell "GET AWAY!", I cans imple just stand up, without a single word, and walk into my room, and lock the door. Afterwards i will lidten to my Ipod to drown out the banging on the yes I know. This way they will get tired of banging on my door that they will just give up and do it themselves. I would have won battle number 1.

Battle number 2 is more difficult, but when theres a will theres a way, or thats what I'm believing. The problem here would be with my older brother. Whenever I'm minding my own busness and don't give a leaf of what he's doing, he will come up to me and demand something be done of me, like: fix him hot chocolate, scratch his back, get the laptop charger, and tons of other stuffs. Well normally all I do is say no and eventually I do it for him; at that point battle number 2 would have been his, but I don't give up that easily. I can, and will, scream and say stuff to make him ignore that I would ever do anything for him,,,that may work, and if it doesn't, I can always tye him up and leave him for dead...never going to happen.

The last battle, battle number 3, starts were we are doing something as a family and the "3 odd siblings, logan, rhagan, and easton, start to fight about nothing for no reason, this is when I pull the "it's all mom and dads job now" thought. I simply just go soemwhere quiet while the parents deal with them. It's sooo easy and I get alone time..YAY! They, on the other hand, get into trouble, and i'm laughu=ing on the sidelines hahahhahahhahaha!

Well if you got anything out of this, then it's this simple thing: when being nagged by your siblings, bothered, or when your just fedup with them, IGNORE THEM!!!!! That is pretty much the easiest thing in the world to do. And if you can't learn to ignore them, I'm sorry to say that you are stuck in the ever torment of the siblings quarrle...good luck to those who have trouble some siblings.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The people that I live with that greatly annoy and love me :)

My family is pretty much your basic family, besides the fact that they can get really annoying and waaay too over caring. Some people would say that's a good thing, which i will say in the future, but right now i'm just feeling crushed. In my family I have a mom, dad, older brother, little sister, little brother, and a cat and dog (pets are concidered family). We do have many funn times and caring moments , and other times it's CRAAAZY!!

My parents are the ones I'll talk about first. They were married in the month of MArch or April and have been married for 20 years, soon to be 21. They are a cute couple and some of their friends use to call them "Kent and Barbie", which is cool i guess hah. Anyway, when they had my older brother, Logan, they were happy yes, but i don't really now how they felt because I wasn't born. After him came me, and my mom said that when she held me I felt so femenine, which is good because Iam a girl. After me, like 3 years later, my sister, Rhagan, was born, and then 5 years later it was their last child, my little brother, Easton. As we have grown up they have kept a good discipline on us, but they also know how to be funn cool parents, at times. They are funn and I do love them ALOT!

Now to me and my siblings. Well I'm pretty sure you all know my older brother Logan, yeah the one with the deep blue eyes, haha. Well if you think he's this quiet, reserved peron who never acts like he is a 5 year old in a 18 year olds body, please reconsider that. IT'S ALL A HUGE ACT! He is the crazziest brother I could ask for and totally pure childish. He has his ways of showing comic to the family, and at times its a little too much. He can be a jerk at times too, but he's not nearly as bad as he was when he was younger. I love spending some of my tme with him, when he alwos me to.

Rhagan is like my best friend in the family. Now, logan and I may be only one and a half years apart while me and rhagan are 4 year apart, but rhagan and I have more crazy moments. We always make up the stupidest stories about nothing and can go on about it for days. I loove being crazy with her, and even though we fight at times, I still ove her.

Anyway, the last in the family is Easton my little brother. He is reconized by his white hair, which is pretty obvious to see if you walk by him. He nice words, a handful. At times I would really love to throw him into the wall, but he's not THAT bad. He can be loving at times too hah.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's in the jar??

hey students!! how was your valentines? Good, okay. Well for whats in the jar this month we have peanut butter M&M's. Good yes i know. Well yeah, if any of you students, young and old, want to have a combination of chocolate and peanut butter, then come to the office NOW and study the jar really really hard and attempt to guess the right number. you are limited to the time you have to guess so hurry! As for those of you who have never guessed before, well this can be your first time. Who knows you may get lucky and win. So everyone participate and remember these few simple rules: one guess, no cheating, and other stuff like that. Hope you enjoy it, and good guessing!!!