Friday, February 19, 2010

How to get rid of annoying siblings

Well if you have had annoying siblings and not known what to do with them, well I believe I may be able to help. you see I have three siblings, and they do everything to get on my nerves! anything they can get thier hands on they annoy me with it. my older brother just tends to not give me rides to the places i want to go to and he tslks to me when i don't want to be talk to. my little sister and little brother do pretty much anything they can to drive me crazy! this is how i would handle it:

To start off, when they nag me to do things for them and all i want to do is slap them and yell "GET AWAY!", I cans imple just stand up, without a single word, and walk into my room, and lock the door. Afterwards i will lidten to my Ipod to drown out the banging on the yes I know. This way they will get tired of banging on my door that they will just give up and do it themselves. I would have won battle number 1.

Battle number 2 is more difficult, but when theres a will theres a way, or thats what I'm believing. The problem here would be with my older brother. Whenever I'm minding my own busness and don't give a leaf of what he's doing, he will come up to me and demand something be done of me, like: fix him hot chocolate, scratch his back, get the laptop charger, and tons of other stuffs. Well normally all I do is say no and eventually I do it for him; at that point battle number 2 would have been his, but I don't give up that easily. I can, and will, scream and say stuff to make him ignore that I would ever do anything for him,,,that may work, and if it doesn't, I can always tye him up and leave him for dead...never going to happen.

The last battle, battle number 3, starts were we are doing something as a family and the "3 odd siblings, logan, rhagan, and easton, start to fight about nothing for no reason, this is when I pull the "it's all mom and dads job now" thought. I simply just go soemwhere quiet while the parents deal with them. It's sooo easy and I get alone time..YAY! They, on the other hand, get into trouble, and i'm laughu=ing on the sidelines hahahhahahhahaha!

Well if you got anything out of this, then it's this simple thing: when being nagged by your siblings, bothered, or when your just fedup with them, IGNORE THEM!!!!! That is pretty much the easiest thing in the world to do. And if you can't learn to ignore them, I'm sorry to say that you are stuck in the ever torment of the siblings quarrle...good luck to those who have trouble some siblings.

1 comment:

  1. wow, thats good advise but what if ur in the car say and cant get away? what now
