Thursday, February 11, 2010

The people that I live with that greatly annoy and love me :)

My family is pretty much your basic family, besides the fact that they can get really annoying and waaay too over caring. Some people would say that's a good thing, which i will say in the future, but right now i'm just feeling crushed. In my family I have a mom, dad, older brother, little sister, little brother, and a cat and dog (pets are concidered family). We do have many funn times and caring moments , and other times it's CRAAAZY!!

My parents are the ones I'll talk about first. They were married in the month of MArch or April and have been married for 20 years, soon to be 21. They are a cute couple and some of their friends use to call them "Kent and Barbie", which is cool i guess hah. Anyway, when they had my older brother, Logan, they were happy yes, but i don't really now how they felt because I wasn't born. After him came me, and my mom said that when she held me I felt so femenine, which is good because Iam a girl. After me, like 3 years later, my sister, Rhagan, was born, and then 5 years later it was their last child, my little brother, Easton. As we have grown up they have kept a good discipline on us, but they also know how to be funn cool parents, at times. They are funn and I do love them ALOT!

Now to me and my siblings. Well I'm pretty sure you all know my older brother Logan, yeah the one with the deep blue eyes, haha. Well if you think he's this quiet, reserved peron who never acts like he is a 5 year old in a 18 year olds body, please reconsider that. IT'S ALL A HUGE ACT! He is the crazziest brother I could ask for and totally pure childish. He has his ways of showing comic to the family, and at times its a little too much. He can be a jerk at times too, but he's not nearly as bad as he was when he was younger. I love spending some of my tme with him, when he alwos me to.

Rhagan is like my best friend in the family. Now, logan and I may be only one and a half years apart while me and rhagan are 4 year apart, but rhagan and I have more crazy moments. We always make up the stupidest stories about nothing and can go on about it for days. I loove being crazy with her, and even though we fight at times, I still ove her.

Anyway, the last in the family is Easton my little brother. He is reconized by his white hair, which is pretty obvious to see if you walk by him. He nice words, a handful. At times I would really love to throw him into the wall, but he's not THAT bad. He can be loving at times too hah.

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