Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hannah .... D

Hannah is a free spirited, amazing, and quite entergetic friend. She likes to make fun of dpgs and doesn't know when to stop. Everyday I see her she has a smile and a laugh with her. I have gotten to know her very well lately, and realize juts how much fun she can be.

She was born in Alabama on September 21, 2993, the same year as me haha. Anyways, her parents are Greg and Kristyn, and she has a little brother named Luke. Her house is located in Jackson. La. and has a nice homish feeling. She enjoys singing and writing music. I haven't yet heard her sing her own musdic, but she has a nice voice for a person. She also enjoys playing the guitar, drums, bass, saxiphone (in past), piano, and read.

She is 16 years old and can drive. She got her licnese on september 21, 2009, on her birthday! yeah thats awesome, okay so she has a car, which is a prius toyota,,yeah i don't what that is either. She likes to listen to rock, not rap that much, pop, and electric music. Her favorite bands are paramore, flyleaf, everscene, linkin park, relient k, and hawk nelson, along with kutless. She enjoys action romances and true story based movies. some of her favorites are one night with the king, and enchanted.

hannah has been to Ca;ifornia, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New mexico,

age: 16

Jackson, Louisiana.

hobbies: singing and writing music.

She lived a happy life, but sadly passed in the year 3002.\

Monday, April 26, 2010

Over this weekend, I had alot planned out. Friday was my softball game vs. the baseball team, staurday I went to a party, and Sunday I was helping my mom with Logan's last minute prom stuff. Yes, it may not seem so hectic right now, but just wait til I describe all that went on. It gets wayy worse.

So on Friday, the day styarted off normal. School was it's boring self and ceased to be that till the bell rang for dismissel. The weather, if I may say, was shy from pefect...Well it was really really shy from perfect. Kinda a mix between "Omggosh this weather is freaking horrible!" and "It is very himid out here!", which is exactly how it was...VERY HUMID!. I can't remember a day when it wasn't as humid as that day.

Anyway, I went with half of my softball team to subway,where I "lost" my phone. Turned out it was in the car the whole time! But I think someone ghad it but just kept it from me, who knows..because I sure as heck didn't. Well after spending like 20 minutes in the McDonalds bathroom changing for our game, we left for the field. And, like I said, it was humid! uhh it wasn't all that fun, but once we started doing activities like swinging on the rope swing, talking with frieds, and creaming the baseball team (11-6), it made the day pretty amazing. so overall, it was fun..and humid.

Saturday, well, I woke up at 9:00 to get dressed. My friend Brookney and her brohter Brandon were coming to pick me up for her 16th birthday party...which started at 5:00 pm, but she just wanted to hangout before her family came. So I'm just going to skipp to the part where it was me, Brookney, Chelsey Berret, and Brooks cousin Mariana, along with her siblings Sarah, steven, and cousin keely, went to balckwater creek to do some explorin. At first it was fun!. The sun was out and the air was filled with flowers blowing in the breeze, till we decided to go further into the creeks dangerous waters.

We started walking on thewse super slippery rocks, and after seeing one snake a while back, we were hoping we wouldn't see any more. Well, as luck would have it, we saw another one, this time much much smaller, but still very scary. It WAS curlled in a whole in the slippery roks, till steven decided tyo poke it, which made it move into the water, in which we were in! Yeah, scared us hlf to death. So after seeing 2 snmakes, walking 2-3 miles doiwn into the creek was very risky and fearful, but we prayed so we were all good. On the other hand, we didn't pray for God to keep us away from the sharp rocks, so, yes, we were cut up in the feet, smashong into rock by rock; we were pretty much blind! After crossing the deep water we saw another snake, a water mocassin. Anyway, that day was very exciting, and fun! not humid.

My weekend was filled with dangers, upsets, and relaing momments, some of which I didn't even share about. I wish I could just go back and do it all agina, but as we all know that is impossibe. So as for now I will live in the present, or future, whatever is the right word for it. :)bye!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations, colleges (former grads), and siblings from current students came to our class. It was very entertazining and I learned much about what all they had to teach us.

In this class we went on one amazing fieldtrip to the LSU RURAL LIFE MUSEUM. Even though I did go to this museum in 5th grade, there was much added to it. For instance, the gift shop building got soo much more big. It seemed so different looking, which was good. Our tour guide was a hilarious old man dude person, and he told us all there is to learn about the illage and all who use to live there. It really got me tinking how gratefull we are to have all that we do now. After that we went eating at CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN. It was very very good, but the STARBUCKS coffee afterwards beat it by a long shot; I love my coffee :).

Overall, my year in journalism was an excellent one. I learned so much about what to put in a story, and what not to put into a story. I also learned how to make a long essay out of a small story...alot of improvizing to get those 5-7 sentences. I truely will miss my amazing teacher, Ms. Meloncon, for she helped and encouraged all of us in every way possible. I never saw her in a bad mood, which always made me smile in her class. The stdents that were in here I will miss as well. I have grown so close to people I use to never speak to, and I'm thankful for that everyday. I love you guys all, and wish you all luck over the summer and the next school year. :)

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rural LIFE museum

The "Rural life museum" is a mesuem of Louisiana history. The land that the museum is located on, called the Windrush plantation originally belonged to Philemon Thomas. He was a soldier, statesman, and leader of the force that captured Baton Rouge and West Florida from the Spanish in 1810. The land was later owned by this guy named William S. Pike, a pioneer settler and prominent businessman in Baton Rouge.It has a history of many people on the land, and is currently still standing.

Today the land on which these people lived is open to the public so that we may learn about the lives of the them. From gris mills to cemitaries, this museum is by far amazing. The tour guides there offer help in explanning what each building was used for. For instance, one of the smaller cabins, which mainly consisting of a small wood plastered bed and very little living space, was I believe the slave's cabin. The much larger cabins that had the access to lighting (simple candles being hung by the roof that were lit)was the home of the owner of the land and his family. In these rooms it's fully furnished with ancient and elegent attire.

Anothe buliding was the church. This buliding is wooden box building that has pews. In the front there is a podeum where the pastor or priest would teach the local village people about God's word. The sugar mill is another amazing place. I believe that there is actually a live deminstration on how the people back in the 1800's made the sugar, and it wasn't an easy task. Alot of work was put into the making of it, which only makes me more happy that we don't have to do that much work anymore. There is also a video that goes thought the entire history of the Windrush plantation and helps vistitors understand what they are looking at.

The garden is approximately 80 years old. A lovely lake has been added with two small islands in the middle. Duck houses for nesting wood ducks fill the island, and both Louisiana and Japanese irises have been planted around the lakeshore. As years have passed, the gardens have become too shaded for many flowers, and others have become root-bound. Shortly before his death in 1995, Mr. Steele said, “The garden has become old, like me.” But visitors from around the world still stroll the curving paths through a part of Baton Rouge history

The envirement that this place creates is of a decade old village. It is really like walkiing through the 1800's and experiencing the full effect of time when everyone had to work for EVERYTHING. Life back then wasn't as simple as the lives we ;ive today, and taking a tour of this plantation lets everyone see that. So go ahead, learn about the way of life of the people that lived in this state before me and you by visiting the museum.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to prepare for Final Exams...

How many of you find yourself struggling to study for the FINL EXAMS the night before you take them? And how many of you dread to get the results backs? Well you aren't alone in that pradicament. Many of us are so eager for summer vacation that we tend to stop thinkng about school, and iam just as equally guilty as any of you. I mean who can blame us right? Well to ease your worry over the final exams I will give you a few tips to help you stay on task.

Well first of all, whatever your teachers says is gunna be on the exam, IT IS GOING TO BE ON THE EXAM! So note taking, yes eventhough it is a bit boring and handcramping, is still very important. Second of all, those note you took, yeah well they aren't ment for just staring at. You have tyo actually study them. Yes i know that thats like the all time enemy of school children, but you can make it fun. Making it rhyme with random stuff and making little cheat songs (what i like to call them) that will assue that you know the material. Next is being dilegant and not procrastinating. Don't wait the night before your exam to study, allow a few minutes each day to study for each subject. Every morning of exam days eat a good, full breakfast (yes i know some of you have a habit of no doing so) with some sugar, it helps. On the last day of exams (and the last day of school), you have to stay extra alert. This is the day where we all just want to through the books down, stop writing, and leave for 2 months, but you can't. It is very important that you stay focussed til AFTER your final and last exam. once you finished that, then you can go to summer mode.

So prepare for those last three days, then have the best 2 months away from school. We will miss everyone and good luck on the exams! :)