Friday, April 23, 2010

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations

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