Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to prepare for Final Exams...

How many of you find yourself struggling to study for the FINL EXAMS the night before you take them? And how many of you dread to get the results backs? Well you aren't alone in that pradicament. Many of us are so eager for summer vacation that we tend to stop thinkng about school, and iam just as equally guilty as any of you. I mean who can blame us right? Well to ease your worry over the final exams I will give you a few tips to help you stay on task.

Well first of all, whatever your teachers says is gunna be on the exam, IT IS GOING TO BE ON THE EXAM! So note taking, yes eventhough it is a bit boring and handcramping, is still very important. Second of all, those note you took, yeah well they aren't ment for just staring at. You have tyo actually study them. Yes i know that thats like the all time enemy of school children, but you can make it fun. Making it rhyme with random stuff and making little cheat songs (what i like to call them) that will assue that you know the material. Next is being dilegant and not procrastinating. Don't wait the night before your exam to study, allow a few minutes each day to study for each subject. Every morning of exam days eat a good, full breakfast (yes i know some of you have a habit of no doing so) with some sugar, it helps. On the last day of exams (and the last day of school), you have to stay extra alert. This is the day where we all just want to through the books down, stop writing, and leave for 2 months, but you can't. It is very important that you stay focussed til AFTER your final and last exam. once you finished that, then you can go to summer mode.

So prepare for those last three days, then have the best 2 months away from school. We will miss everyone and good luck on the exams! :)

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