Monday, April 26, 2010

Over this weekend, I had alot planned out. Friday was my softball game vs. the baseball team, staurday I went to a party, and Sunday I was helping my mom with Logan's last minute prom stuff. Yes, it may not seem so hectic right now, but just wait til I describe all that went on. It gets wayy worse.

So on Friday, the day styarted off normal. School was it's boring self and ceased to be that till the bell rang for dismissel. The weather, if I may say, was shy from pefect...Well it was really really shy from perfect. Kinda a mix between "Omggosh this weather is freaking horrible!" and "It is very himid out here!", which is exactly how it was...VERY HUMID!. I can't remember a day when it wasn't as humid as that day.

Anyway, I went with half of my softball team to subway,where I "lost" my phone. Turned out it was in the car the whole time! But I think someone ghad it but just kept it from me, who knows..because I sure as heck didn't. Well after spending like 20 minutes in the McDonalds bathroom changing for our game, we left for the field. And, like I said, it was humid! uhh it wasn't all that fun, but once we started doing activities like swinging on the rope swing, talking with frieds, and creaming the baseball team (11-6), it made the day pretty amazing. so overall, it was fun..and humid.

Saturday, well, I woke up at 9:00 to get dressed. My friend Brookney and her brohter Brandon were coming to pick me up for her 16th birthday party...which started at 5:00 pm, but she just wanted to hangout before her family came. So I'm just going to skipp to the part where it was me, Brookney, Chelsey Berret, and Brooks cousin Mariana, along with her siblings Sarah, steven, and cousin keely, went to balckwater creek to do some explorin. At first it was fun!. The sun was out and the air was filled with flowers blowing in the breeze, till we decided to go further into the creeks dangerous waters.

We started walking on thewse super slippery rocks, and after seeing one snake a while back, we were hoping we wouldn't see any more. Well, as luck would have it, we saw another one, this time much much smaller, but still very scary. It WAS curlled in a whole in the slippery roks, till steven decided tyo poke it, which made it move into the water, in which we were in! Yeah, scared us hlf to death. So after seeing 2 snmakes, walking 2-3 miles doiwn into the creek was very risky and fearful, but we prayed so we were all good. On the other hand, we didn't pray for God to keep us away from the sharp rocks, so, yes, we were cut up in the feet, smashong into rock by rock; we were pretty much blind! After crossing the deep water we saw another snake, a water mocassin. Anyway, that day was very exciting, and fun! not humid.

My weekend was filled with dangers, upsets, and relaing momments, some of which I didn't even share about. I wish I could just go back and do it all agina, but as we all know that is impossibe. So as for now I will live in the present, or future, whatever is the right word for it. :)bye!

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