Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My life!

My name is Nicole and I was born in BR, Louisina in the month of August. My mom said that I was born a few weeks pre-mature and that I was a bit small, but I just consider that special. At least I wasn't in like some medical emergency like some people are. I was just small, and that kinda got me off to a slow start in life.

When I was in second grade at BCS (maybe sooner; this is how far I can remember)I wasn't the smartest or fastest kid in the class. I had the most hardest time staying still in my seat and reading. I kept speaking without thinking, and at times that wasn't the best thing. My partial dyslexia and ADHD got me held back in second grade (In kindergaten too, only because my mom thiught I was too small to be in that class). At that momment in time, I didn't really know what was going on; I only remember that I was leaving all of my friends that I never got to see again.

My mom would take me to this doctor that tried to figure out what was wrong with me and why I had so much trouble reading. He diagnosed that I had Partial dyslexia. He said I would never be able to read again, but my mom thought and believed differently. She tried, I believe, two tutors before coming to Lifetime Tutoring Center. The lady that would teach me was so nice, and a christian. She had me read off this long list of words and would reward me when I got though a whole column without messing up or studering. After many months at that tutoring place my reading improved. I came from a dyslexia to better reading, even when a doctor said it was impossible.

My ADHD improved too. I wasn't as hyperactive, and I could start sitting down with pattence by fifth grade. I still at momments wiull have some effects of the tings I had like at times I studder when reading and talking, but not nearly as bad. Iam a bit loud, but I hink thats just my personality. I'm sooo glad that Iam over with that phase of my life, and now I can continue with the one I'm living now. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

What's in the jar?

Hey everyone! well it's that time of the month agian, yes the time to win a delicious jar of candy Just like our winners of the skittles, 8th grader rebecca marsh and_______. For december we are going to keep the Christmas spirit in the competition by having santa claus shaped hershey's bars. Ofcourse you all know the rules, and I know that you will all follow them right? Of course. So before the three days of exams and your two week long Christmas/New years break, drop by the office and guess the number of Santa Clauses...well in chocolate.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

America's Future

The future has so much in store for it. Many new inventions that people want to see come to full affect, and many other different things. heres also global warming, but that is twisted up alredy. The future will be a time for change, and a bunch of different things.

America's present

America's present has changed rappidly from the past. Fashion, people, speech, and ways of living are relly nothing like the past. In many ways the change is good. For example, the electricity and electronics that were made help in everyday life and in descovering new scientific material. but in other ways it got worse. The war problem is still at an increase and doesn't seem like it will cease at an momment. It seems to just be growing fast and more pain is coming to it. On the other hand there are many charities and stuff going around to help peopl and animals.

The present is actually pretty well equiped, and is said to be the generation of electronic stuff or something. It really has changedd, and in my opion could need improment, but thats in the future.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

America's past history:

America's past has alot to be said about. Many things like war, segregation, and change took place. From slavery to war upon war upon war, they all have a huge part in America's past. It seemed to have all started with the indians and explorers that took their land. That would be America's first war. It seems that since then the wars have never stopped, but the things in the past have also been the birthing of a begining that would change over many decades.
What happened in the past has set up so much for us in this present day. Holidys such as Thanksgiving woul not be held if the past was not how it is now. The wars and fighting we could have done without though; all that really camre from all that is death, lose of loved ones, destroying of some fine towns, and more war, but it seems to be our nature which is a it scary. The past is truely something that we can look back on and it will give us the true discription of America's history.

Monday, November 30, 2009

december nespaper ideas

1)whta's in jar

2)weather in La.

3)winter fashion

4)things that make go hmmm

5) snow


7)christmas tree meaning

8)what to do over C. break

9)how to decorate your room

10)christmas around the world

11)meaning of christmas

12)things to do for christmas

13)favorite thing about christmas

14)going to grandma house for christmas

15)how to make grandma sugar cookies

16)wrost thing about christmas

17)are you naughty or nice

18)santa clause is coming to town

19)enjoying christmas with family and friends

20)why christmas is so special to me

21)what you do on christmas morning

22)christmas traditions

23)how to put up a christmas tree

24) going shoping for friends and family

25)what kind of sports you do on christmas evening

26)how to prepare for exams

27)how to make christmas cards with your picture on it

28)how to make a gingerbread house and make it tast good

29)food to make for the family on Christmas

30)how to see santa in your house on christmas morning

31)great presents to give friends and family

32)where to get gifts that are not as high but are great value

33)hlep feed the homeless

34)operation christmas child shoeboxes

35)how to find a lost pet

36)give on christmas morning

37)top holiday songs

38)orgin os santa clause

38)things to do over Christmas break

39)reasons to believe it will snow friday night...just believe!!

40)how to keep house clean while unwrapping christmas presents

41)good books to read

42)how to make gingerbread house

43)what christmas is all about

44)how to make snow

45)favorite things about christmas

46)top christmas gifts

47)snow or rain

48)how to set up christmas tree

49)what to get your friend for christmas

50)Pray it will snow in friday...And BELIEVE!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fun things for kids to do over Thanksgiving break.

Hey kids! Are you wondering what you can do over the week long Thanksgiving break? Well don't worry because I'm going to tell you just what kinds of fun you can have. Besides the stuff like watching tv, waking up to watch cartoons rather than get your uncomfortable uniforms on, or running your legs off outside, here are a couple of other ideas you can choose from.
Well since it is Fall and it is somewhat cold outside, playing games like find the turkey, where an adult hides a fake turkey and you, some friends, and family have to search for it, and rela races are great ways to keep your bodyactive and keep you in a fun, happy mood through the week . For inside activities, there are alot of websites to go to to do many crafts. For example, the website primarygames.com has a ton of games, puzzles, and, to satisfy the parents, a good bit of learning activites. Just find a good place to relax and go online to print out or play them on the computer. All of these and much more are some ideas that wilol keep you in the "I never want this week to end" mood. I hope you ebjoy them all and HAPPY THAKNSGIVING!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's in the Jar?

hey BCS people! Well we are almost to our first real break of the year, and what better way to celebrate that than with a jar of skittles! Yep, for the November "What's in the Jar?" contest we have sweet skittles. That means that two of you lucky people, elementary and Jr. High/High school students, may win the jar. There is a really good percentage that you could win because some people don't even guess, which makes it to where you have less people to compete with. Just remember that to win, you have to guess how many skittles there are in the jar, guess the right number, don't cheat, blah blah blah, you get the picture. Pretty simple and worth the good one minute it takes to right down the stuff, plus you get to visit the sweet office staff. so, be sure to guess so you can spend your week long Thanksgiving witha jar of skittles! Oh I almost forgot to congratulate the winners of last issue! Congratulations to High school students Jaclyn Stabler and Kayla Sherton, and elementary student Andrew Alexander. Great job guys, and to every other student, staff, and appriciated substituts, have a HAPPY THANSGIVING!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

thanksgiving around the world

As many of you know America is the founding country of the holiday Thanksgiving, but do any other countries celebrate this Holiday of thanking? Well you might be suprised, but the answer is yes! Many countries share in this thanking holiday, although they have an intirlly different way of doing it. The chinese thanksgiving, called Chung Ch'ui or the August moon festival, is quite the opposite of Americas. It is celebrated iin mid August and and instead of turkey they dine on roasted pig and mooncakes, and this holiday is three days long! How awesome would that be, three days of none stop eating! Jewish families celebrate a seven day long celebration calles Sukkoth. The meaning of their celabrating is to thank God for caring for Moses and the Hebrews while they wandered 40 years in the wilderness before entering the promise land. They build huts and move into them for the seven days and hang fruits amd vegitables from the roof of their huts. A sseramony is held everyday to remember their Hebrew ancesters and thank God for the hrvest. In many other countries different and unique tradition are going on. Whether in the month of November or any of the other eleven months, all the types of thanksgiving have one thing in common: giving thanks for something or to someone that has done good to the people. In America we all come to thank God for the harvest He blessed the pilgrims with many years ago. This holiday is truely a world wide thing that has everybody in the thankful mood.

Monday, November 2, 2009

news casts from other high schools

Rosemead High School Pen Bomb newscasts

High School Newscast Gone Wrong

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to things..

1) HOw to enjoy a good movie?
2) How to get on American idol
3) How to make smoothies for your baby
4) Is it ok to drink rice water when pregnant
5) How to find teenage rumaways
6) How to over come being shy
7) How to hide Christmas gifts
8) How to clean a duck

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The way a lady lives in some coubtry

Ok its a very small house..I would freak witht that little of space, but it is very neat and clean, organized, and white...literally white. like white on a cow in the morning (influenced by hannah bell)

the kids bedroom is supper small, like the size of my parents closet................................................................??????????????????????????????????????????????very large closet)
the shower is see though..SEE THROUGH!!! very weird...but very cool

Monday, October 26, 2009


Slap bracelets, also referred to as snap bracelets and slap wraps, were one of the hottest accessories of the 1980's. They were the thing that everyone wanted, even guys! Their eye popping color become the attention to many young stylist's, and soon people started wearing them without even noticing the huge effect that was going on.
Everybody seemed to love the 'snap' sound that they would make when brought to their wrists...many would also have many other uses as well like chocker necklaces and mini swords (lil' kidddds). Many stores seemed to have noticed the popularity the bracelets were getting, so they started making some themselves to sell for a profit. Now in the 2000's they still seemed to be a big hit. Not only the stores sold them, but kids would start selliing them, in small waas like a trade for something.
Kids would bring them everywhere, and get into some trouble with them like pocking eyes out and stuff, adn you can guess the teachers didn't like that. So the in style slap bracelets were band from many schools, and that stopped some of the growth of them. The rest of the down groth of these accessories was simple because of the change of style. They had just become too simple to people and the hipp slap bracelets are hardly ever seen anywhere.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


1) Media goes crazy with the boy in a balloon story. They totally mistook a prank for the real thing, and got pretty much everybody confused and worried over it. Little did they know that it was actually a prank that parents did to get money and attention from the media and press. The little boy was hiding in their attic while all the comotion was going on that a boy might be dying in a balloon. To me the media should have gone into a better investigation of the whole thing, and for that action they got everyone freaked out...a media melt-down ofcourse.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barnes & Noble

So what is the book store Barnes and Noble like? Like what's in there, the books it contains, and many other questions that have been waiting to be asked, so i ventured out to Perkins Rowe to answer some common and uncommon questions concerning this store. It was a bit challening because I hardly ever go ther, but I learned many things about this place. It seems like good place to relax and stuff.

The place is divivded into a section for movies and music, books and magazines, Barnes & Noble Jr. (the kids section), a Starbucks, customer service which is located in the middle of the B&N, and a bathroom,ofcourse. The movie and music section is very organized in my oppenion. For movies there aare clips to watch and many options of new and old videos to buy. All the new movies are located in the fron of the store to atract more customers. The music section is pretty much the same as the movie section. nothing super different except that its music not movies. The book and magazine section is just like any library, only bigger! They are sectioned of by genres and and stuff like that. It's really easy to find a book there because the customer service is very reliable, and it's in the middleof the store. Can't get much easier than that. Now to my favorite part; STARBUCKS! I absolutly love that they have onee in there. I just get coffee and sit there, but others use it to study, talk, and just sit for relaxation. It smell like coffee...Love It! The kids section is very...child-like. There's a small stage with chairs where adults would read stories to young kids. It is really cool for young kids.

The card dicount system works like a gift card sort of thing. you get 25% off any hardcovered book. very cool. My experence with the B&N project was fun. my sister and I had funrnning from end to end of the place trying to find the answers to all the questions we were asked. I learned new stuff about it, and I may just visit it more often. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ccrazzy school videos (and some not so).


This is a very cool experiment! SO easy to do too because the video shows two little kids doing the project. It show them pouring water and vinegar in the jar, then baking soda in a balloon. They then put the balloon on the bottle and it starts to inplate! It is sooo awesome! Plus the little kids were adorable.


In this little experiment mentos are being combined with diet coke and guess what...IT EXPLODES!..sorta. the two scienctist people had a bunch of mentos and diet coke, and once they were combined they erupted into a diet coke volcano. They also did this thing wheere they ahd all the 2liters of diet coke lined up, then they dropped the mentos in and it looked so cool! I'd love to try that one day.

Friday, October 9, 2009


WHO: a seven year old boy by the name of Lucas Murray.
WHAT: uses acholocation to see
WHEN: since he was just a little boy
WHERE: Dorset, England
WHY: he has been blind since he was born blind.
HOW: by clicking his tongue against the top of his mouth.


WHO: black dogs in shelters.
WHAT: they aren't being sold to loving families as much as the other dogs.
WHEN: october 9, 2009
WHERE: animal shelters.
WHY: they don't photograph as well as light colored animals.
HOW: unknown


WHO: 5 year old Scott Hughes.
WHAT: he kills an alligator.
WHEN: october 5,2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pippi longstocking!

Pippi Longstocking is a fictional character of the age of 9 that is very popular and used in many many books, short stories, movies, and TV series, and also has her own theme song. She is a unique girl who has bright reddish orange hair in the style of pigtails that stick out, literally stick out! In most stories she is told to be e very talented swimmer and very Strong. In quotes on a VHS cover she is described as , "The Girl with the Strength of Superman!". She lives in a swidish villsge in a house she calls "Villa Villekulla". You might think it strange, or think she's lucky, but she lives with no parents or relatives. Instead she lives with her pet monkey named Mr. Nilsson, and her pet horse, Little Old Man. She has many adventures and often takes her two friends, the neighbor kids Tommy and Annika Settergren, with her. She is fair and will treat people, more adults than kids, the way they should be treated. She will show respect if they are kind, but if she does not find them nice she often acts like a foolish child who talked way to much. Pippi got her strength and common sense from her father, Ephram Longstocking, who was a captain of a ship.
Pippi got her name by the author, Astrid Lindren's nine year old daughter Karin. She was writing a story for her mother who was sick at the time, wishing her to get well.
Pippi is aloved charcter that everyone across the globe is interested in.

Monday, September 28, 2009


WHO: any kid who wants to do it.
WHAT: a picture thing with your own picture!
WHEN: ant time logged onto da computer
WHERE: on the internet and websit at slerppy.com/brainfreezelabratory.
WHY: just for the fun of it. FUN STUFF!
HOW: by uploading your picture then putting it in there and playing around with it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

5 W's and H of this thing here..

WHO: people who log onto the website

WHAT: wordnik.com

WHEN: while online

WHERE: wordnik.com and on computer or laptop

WHY: so that whoever is on can know what a word means

HOW: by logging onto this website and typing in any word

MORE np ideas:::

1) yearbook themem ideas
2)why do cats like grass so much?
3)best country to visit
4)what will the school look like in the future
5)how to type super fast
6)how many grands of sand are in the Sahara Desert
7)how to paint
10)favorite number
11)favorite shopping store
12)favorite bug
13)favorite pet
14)favorite sibling
15)favorite word
16)longest word
17)favorite color
18)favorite person
19)mystery animal
20)biggest number
21)google goolge
22)favorite type of weather
23)favorite food
26)how doors work
27)favorite news channel
29)tooth[aste-how it made
30)kinds of people inasia
32)flowers color
33)favorite symbol
34)favorite letter
35)favorite teacher
36)favorite friend
37)why people get on your nerves
38)all the countries national anthem
39)favorite car model
40)why the grasss is green
41)what makes me tired of school
42)favorite time
43)favorite season
44)favorite beach
45)favorite desert
46)fresh water or salt water
47)warm or cool weatheer
48)ways to change the school
49)longest flight of stairs
50)why to not ,not join journalism...")))))))

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Disaster maze

A) It tells them that electrical wires are very dangerous and that they shouldn't even go outside in these times.
B) Yes I would because this is an interactive game that kids can play that will teach them where they can go and what they should avoid.

HuRrIcAnE HoUsE!!

A) It could help educate kids because it is telling them that during a hurricane, the yard needs to be clean, for if it isn't , then the wind may cause it to either fly away or be blown though their windows. It is safe to have a clean yard while strong winds are blowing.
B) I think that schools should have their students play this game because, some student that are very young may not know about hurricane sfety in their yards. They need to know this because it will keep them very very very safe.

Thursday, September 10, 2009



I thought the design a cell phone thing was fun, and I enjoyed it. Even though it was not all to easy to make the elderly people happy, I still liked it. But the old people didn't like my phone...I thought it was pretty coollooking though haha.


This surgery thingis awesome! I loved the whole operating in the ladies head, even though I was totally grossed out and my feet did start to hurt. But it was amazing! And this also helped me realize that I do not have brain surgian in my future.


This was not as fun as the previous things i was doing. I really didnt understand it! It was very confusing, but I figure that if I were to be helped on it and would know how to do it, then i'd very much enjoy.


This vitual game is much more gross than the brain surgery. Way more blood and graphics..EWW! But its really fun and interesting. I kearned something about hip resurfacing to.


This is very interesting, but almost similar to the virtual hip resurfacing. I still enjoyed very very much though. But I would never be able to do this in real life.


I thought this was cool. Really didn't get the point of it, but it was educational. Alot of the things I learned in like elementary school were being applied.


This is a graphic sugery only because of the cutting of the poor guys knee. I feel really sorry for him and hope I never have to have that surgery...it seems painful! But I had fun :)


This was a very boring thing. I really didn't get it either. I was confused and stopped in the middle of it. Weather aren't that interesting.


This is fun. I enjoyed the whole thing. I hnderstood it all because it was just like what does this simple machine do and what causes it to perform that function. It was veryeasy, but i liked it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

WHO: people who log onto website.
WHAT:website where kids can interact with online games, brain drains, andmake their own recipes
WHEN:logged on; 2008
WHERE:on the intenet
WHY: so that kids can make reciepes, look at jokes and riddles, and much more.
HOW:by making the website

WHO:kids who log onto the website
WHAT:to play ggames,create movies/videos,etc.
WHEN:logged into internet
WHY:so kids can play games and have fun
HOW:making the website.

WHAT:play games
WHEN:logged into internet
WHY:so kids can play games and have fun
HOW:making website

WHO:kids ages 12-18
WHAT:fun addicting games
WHEN:logged onto internet
WHY:to play action,fashion,puzzle, and many different games
HOW:making website

WHO:young kids
WHAT:things to help them learn
WHEN:logged into internet
WHY:soo kids ccan learn,color,read,and tinteract with things
HOW:website made

WHO:young kids
WHEN:logged into internet
WHY:kids can listen to rhymes, pput puzzles together, and have fun
HOW:make website.

WHO:parents of kids
WHAT:kid websites
WHEN:logged into website
WHY:to help parents find a great website for their young or older kids
HOW:make website

WHAT:puzzles,jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles.
WHEN:logged into website
WHY:to do/print out puzzles.
HOW:making website.

WHO:little girls
WHAT:fashion stuff and alot of PINK
WHEN:logged into website
WHY:so girls can have fun with girly stuff
HOW:make website

WHO:young boys
WHAT:were boys can create their own racecaars
WHEN:logged into website
HOW:make website

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

newwspaper stories

-WHO:revelers in Spain.
WHAT:tons of thousands oof ripe TOMATOES.
WHEN: wednesday morning.
WHY:just fo fun.
HOW:with a ton of tomatoes and about 40,000 people.
-WHO:German police and a 7 month old male baby.
WHAT:baby is being put for sale on ebay.
WHEN:put on sale tuesday.
WHY:parents said it as a joke, but police didnt see the humor in it.
HOW:they posted it on ebay and the bidding start was $1.58..it was a joke.
-WHO:A guy
WHAT:he swallows a pair of scissors.
WHEN:april 2,2009
WHERE:un noted
HOW:he was picking his teeth wiht the scissors when they went down his throat.
-WHO:a cat named wild oats
WHAT:cats head stuck inside a peanut butter jar.
WHY:the cat was probally hungry...yummy p. butter!
HOW:ccat stuck his head i jar and had it on for 19 days sraight!
-WHO:basaeball umpire.
WHAT:he ejected the whole crowed for showing dislike.
WHERE:west burlington
WHY:the umpire didnt like the wat the crowed was behaving..unrully.
HOW:he ejected them, told them to leave.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hotel descriptions,,.,,.,,.

-has 30 rooms that are different in their own way. One room to said to be painted like a midevil town. The other is an actual upside down room!Theres one with a lions cage circus theme, and another is a coofin for beds.
-this actually a hotel in a tree I belieeve. This ia very cool and use to hold up to 19,333 bottle so of wine.
-has the nickname the crazy house because of the way its shaped. It has 3 main buildings that are like a treehouse growth thing and appears to be coming from the ground.
-an escape pod used in oil rigs has been turned into a place to live!
-on top of this hotel is 7 asirstream trailers. It has themes like goldy locks and the three bears and elegant and floral.

*********I would love to stay in the Berlins propeller city lodge because it seems really awesome! The upside down room looks the mosy interesting to me.*************

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weirdo hotelos!

WHO:people(guests) to the places
WHAT:amazingly awesome hotel rooms..very strange and bizzare
WHEN:at any time mainly
WHERE:Berlin,Netherlands,Da Lat, Vietnam,Emerald Lagoon,Coasta Rica, and Cape Town.
WHY:just for the heck of having weird hotels...there awesome.
HOW:with alot of work and amazing imaginations

My newspaper assignments:::

For the first issue of "The Lions Roar" i have the privaledge to write about interestin facts or "did you know?" facts. I also am going to be writing about a new activity I call "Whats in the JAR?". This activity allows students to look at a jar full of lellybeans and guesss how many there ae. If they get it right, they win the jar of jellybeans. Story writing is another small part I may have,,the rest is undecided.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

5 w's (and 1 H :/) about SMILEBOX=

WHO: the people of earth.
WHAT: smilebox website.
WHEN: when lopgged into the website-smilebox.com
WHERE: internet!
WHY: to make scrapbooks, ecards, b-day cards.
HOW: with the wonderful world od internets.

Hannah's liife!

Hannah bell has an incredible life. She has a mom, who was once my teacher haha, a dad, and a little bro. It seema that she likes to go ridding..which is awesomly awesome!! She is a great christian and has also been to Disney World...me jeliouse hahah of disney :D she is a great friend as well.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My smilebox life

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: denae's life
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

50 newspaper ideas!

l)health tips(beauty,makeup, excersize)
2)style ideas( how to mix and match your clothes)
3)short stories( tall tales, doumentaries, etc.)
4)crossword puzzles
5)cut out paper oragomy things
6)how to organize your locker
7)about certain holidays
8)how to prepare a deliciouse subway sandwhich
9)vacation ideas(places)
10)where to plant flowers and were they wpuld go
11)how many pieces of something are in a jar(jar in office filled with something. Winner gets CHOCOLATE!
12)why students should not get demerits
13)tips on how to sing without hurting your voice and save embaressment.
14)cool music
15)days we get off
16)student stories
17)picture gallery
18)honoring the seniors
19)can bugs think?
20)how to take apart and put together your computer
23)how to draw a girl's face
24)locate the difference(pictures)
25)scrapebooking on smilebox
26)how to make a movie
27)windows laptop vs. apple laptop
29)elementsry stuffs
30)crazy pics
31)cool websites to look at
32)kerpoof movie
33)top grades in school
34)whats cool on tv
36)how to learn how to play guitar(online)
37)food facts
38)info on the missins trip
39)sugar as a breakfast diet
40)how to make a flip book story thing
41)your future house
42)strange phobias
43)making pottery
46)famous restraunts
48)does coffe really keep you up?
49)good study habits
50)newspaper stuff!

Smilebox info!

What are my thoughts about smilebox?
I think its soo cool. Scrapebooking is fun and a website that lets you do that is cool.
What others ways can smilebox be used?
It can be used to create srcapebooks, birthday cards, ecards, and much more cool stuff.
What does the word smilebox make me think of?
It makes mme think of a cute, small box that is smiling :)

Kerpoof Video!!!!!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is GLIESE 518d????

Gliese 518d is a planet that is the closest planet that is simalar to planet Earth.

Friday, August 14, 2009

NASA and Australia for their National Science Week.

An Ausralian web site that can text....

Wednesday August 12, 2009

Cannberra, Australia

To send text messages...into SPACE!! To the planet Gliese 581d.

With the sattelites up in space that tranport the messages to the planet.

* I think this is a very cool experiment thing. I didn't even know there was another planet like Earth!