Thursday, May 20, 2010

NP final EXAM stuff!

1) How to soundly improve memory- To improve ypur memory pf somthing it is very simple. It starts by resting your mind and getting a good nights sleep. while sleeping have somone play a recording of the thing that you want to remember and that should et it stuck into your head. Also when sleeping be sure to avoid sleep apnea, where the brain gets little oxygen due to you stop breathing for a while while sleeping. Oxygen helps this memory process, and with this you can learn hpw to remember the things you fogot.

2) How to win a street fight- The first step is to analyze the problem and decided if the person who is angry with you wants a fight. If it is obvious that he intends to harm you, then you have to ask if you copuld win. If you are a small person going after a huge, buff person, your gunna loose, so run away and call for help. If you think you can win it and get out of triuble, then you have to get some nerve and think about how to take this person down. Go for the quick knock out. Try to connect at the point where the jaw bone connects to the side of the head. If you hit them hard enough, they won't be getting back up. If thats successful, you must do the smart thing and get help. No matter what, do not fight when you have the dount that you may loose and get hurt.

3) How to use public restrooms- First you must choose the cleanest stall, and if there isn't one, then leave. After choosing the cleanest stall, use a pape cover thingy for the seat to insure clean hygiene. After the stall, you HAVE to wash your hands. Hot water and soap are reconmended, but if there is no soap then turn the hot water on and scrub hard. When leaving the restroom, do not touch the door handle with your hands. Use a paper towel or wait for someone else to come into the restroom.

4) How to deal with an uninteresting teacher- Getting on the teachers good side is the first strep. Teachers like enthusiastic students, so be active in asking questions and take notes and listen to the teacher. Also do a little bribing. Give your teacher a small gift and some chocolate or somthing; they love that stuff! Overall, be attentive and follow the teachers directions. Don't get upset about the assignments she/he gives, instead ask if you can do some extra work on it. With this, your uninteresting teacher will become fun and learn to give you priviledges.

5) How to live with someone with OCD- First, learn about the disorder that they have. When you let them know that you underdstand what they are going though, they will feel less stressed and on edge about it. Then, do whatever you can to help them ease their minds of the OCD symptoms. When the person goes to therapy, go with them a couple times to see what it is like to deal with it. If they don't go to therapy, then ask them they want to go. In the end, don't let the OCD run your life or the other persons life. Help the and support them in all that they do and let them know your there for them.

6) How to talk to a child who stutters- First off, Talk with the child in an unhurried way and pause frequently.Wait a few seconds after the child finishes speaking before you begin to speak. Let him get it all out, never finish his sentences for him. Never criticize or advise him to slow down. If you speak slowly and don't act so in a hurry, your child will learn to take his time when speaking. Limit the number of questions you ask him. You don't want to confuse him. And lastly, accept that the child is fine just the way they are.

7) How to get ride of roaches- Roaches like the bathrooms and kitchens for some reason, so keep those areas clean. Don't let garbage sit out, for they like to be around the gross stuff like that. Since they like water, make sure to drain all water in bathrooms and kitchens. Spray your house with roach spray to make sure none come back and annoy you anmore.

8) How to tie your shoes- Cross the two shoestring ends over each other once and then loop one end under the other to make the first basic knot. In your right hand hold the right shoelace, with palm down, in your pinky, ring and middle fingers. In your left hand hold the left shoelace, with palms down, in your pinky, ring and middle finger. Position your index fingers and thumbs in gun position. With your right hand place your index finger over the right shoelace and your thumb under the right shoelace. Your hand will be spinning towards you and the string will rest on top of your index finger and thumb. With your left hand spin your thumb away from you over the shoelace and your index finger under the shoelace. Your hand will spin away from you and the string will rest on top of your index finger and thumb. With your right index finger on the bottom and right thumb on top grab the left shoestring between your left finger and thumb. Hook the right string with your left index finger between the right index finger and thumb. Pull strings in opposite directions.

9) How to babysit- know the family and know wht the p[arents would like for you to do with the kids. Make games, schedules, and other activities for them to play with. Avive to the house that you will be watching the kids at a good 10-15 minutes early. This will allow the kids to get situated with you and get comfortable. Do not yell or be rude to the kids, even if they are acting up. IF you must, them ask the parents what the disipline is for their children. Have fun with the kids and be kind.


If I were the newspaper editor for next years paper, I would encourage the new staff to be prepeared. Yes it is very fun and exciting, but it requires alot of hard work and deicaion. Being a part of the NP staff is a privledge, as well as an honor.

During the course of the year, much hard work will be done, along wiht many games, activities, and randomness will be done. In all of the classes that I have taken, I think it is this class that I enjoyed the most. When you enter into this classroom, it is nothing but fun and entergetic. Many talented and ahrd working people have been in this class, and you have the opportunity to express yourself in this class.

If i could be editor, then I probally wouldn't change that much. The previous editors did a pretty amazing job. I enjoyed being in this class and hope to take all the things i learned here to heart and learn thought them.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ode to da seniors in journalism!!

You are so very sweet and compassionate. I love the excitment and joy you brought into the journalism class and newspaper. I just love how you talk about amazing things and how you mak it funny and interesting. It was a great pleasure to have your smiles in class everyday. Love ya and good luck with college! :)

Even though you were probaly the quietest one in the class, I still love you soo very much. You are kind and have an amazing way of showing it. Iam glad that you got to paticipate with all the strange and wild things we did; it made you a special part of the NP family. Well with love and smiles I hope you have a blessed life and hope to see you around. Love ya! :)

Okay, besides being totally spontanious and crazy (in a good way), you were also very incouraging. Having you as editor to the Newspaper really helped us out this year. You made sure that we didn't forget to to plug in our stories, or when you sent late texts to tremind us to wear our NP shirts. Over all, you are fun and amazing to be around. Thank you for all you have done and i wish you luck in oyur dream of building a nursing home (really, i thinks you can do it). Bye! :)

Well I can sure say that I learned how crazy you really were thought this year more than I ever did. It was so fun to hear you make all the small, and big, jokes about every small thing possible. I mean really, it got us all in the laughing mood, whether felt like laughing or not. It was an awesome year and I may be seeing you around with Logan from time to time...maybe not. Well good luck and have fun! :)

you have been soo sweet and generous eversince I've know you. Now you are that and very friendly and fun. I really appriciate all that you have helped me with and I hope you have long lasting memories of all of us, even the super carzy and stupid momment we had that we would never dare tell anyone. I love you very much and hope you have a blessed life. :)

Since day one when you joined the NP staff I was soo excited! You have an awesome personality and are always possitive. You helped out a ton, even when you and I got paired eith that cute second grader who spoke a little too much,,yeah, I really don't know what I would have done with you haha. I love you sooo much and I really hooe to see you agian. :)

Yes even though you weren't chosen from the beginiing of the year to be in this class, you are still a huge part in the NP family. You have made me laugh soo many times, and i really will misss you. I wish I could have gotten to know you even better, but I already know that you are amazing, sweet, funny, and pretty. I love you very much and hope to see you around. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hannah .... D

Hannah is a free spirited, amazing, and quite entergetic friend. She likes to make fun of dpgs and doesn't know when to stop. Everyday I see her she has a smile and a laugh with her. I have gotten to know her very well lately, and realize juts how much fun she can be.

She was born in Alabama on September 21, 2993, the same year as me haha. Anyways, her parents are Greg and Kristyn, and she has a little brother named Luke. Her house is located in Jackson. La. and has a nice homish feeling. She enjoys singing and writing music. I haven't yet heard her sing her own musdic, but she has a nice voice for a person. She also enjoys playing the guitar, drums, bass, saxiphone (in past), piano, and read.

She is 16 years old and can drive. She got her licnese on september 21, 2009, on her birthday! yeah thats awesome, okay so she has a car, which is a prius toyota,,yeah i don't what that is either. She likes to listen to rock, not rap that much, pop, and electric music. Her favorite bands are paramore, flyleaf, everscene, linkin park, relient k, and hawk nelson, along with kutless. She enjoys action romances and true story based movies. some of her favorites are one night with the king, and enchanted.

hannah has been to Ca;ifornia, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New mexico,

age: 16

Jackson, Louisiana.

hobbies: singing and writing music.

She lived a happy life, but sadly passed in the year 3002.\

Monday, April 26, 2010

Over this weekend, I had alot planned out. Friday was my softball game vs. the baseball team, staurday I went to a party, and Sunday I was helping my mom with Logan's last minute prom stuff. Yes, it may not seem so hectic right now, but just wait til I describe all that went on. It gets wayy worse.

So on Friday, the day styarted off normal. School was it's boring self and ceased to be that till the bell rang for dismissel. The weather, if I may say, was shy from pefect...Well it was really really shy from perfect. Kinda a mix between "Omggosh this weather is freaking horrible!" and "It is very himid out here!", which is exactly how it was...VERY HUMID!. I can't remember a day when it wasn't as humid as that day.

Anyway, I went with half of my softball team to subway,where I "lost" my phone. Turned out it was in the car the whole time! But I think someone ghad it but just kept it from me, who knows..because I sure as heck didn't. Well after spending like 20 minutes in the McDonalds bathroom changing for our game, we left for the field. And, like I said, it was humid! uhh it wasn't all that fun, but once we started doing activities like swinging on the rope swing, talking with frieds, and creaming the baseball team (11-6), it made the day pretty amazing. so overall, it was fun..and humid.

Saturday, well, I woke up at 9:00 to get dressed. My friend Brookney and her brohter Brandon were coming to pick me up for her 16th birthday party...which started at 5:00 pm, but she just wanted to hangout before her family came. So I'm just going to skipp to the part where it was me, Brookney, Chelsey Berret, and Brooks cousin Mariana, along with her siblings Sarah, steven, and cousin keely, went to balckwater creek to do some explorin. At first it was fun!. The sun was out and the air was filled with flowers blowing in the breeze, till we decided to go further into the creeks dangerous waters.

We started walking on thewse super slippery rocks, and after seeing one snake a while back, we were hoping we wouldn't see any more. Well, as luck would have it, we saw another one, this time much much smaller, but still very scary. It WAS curlled in a whole in the slippery roks, till steven decided tyo poke it, which made it move into the water, in which we were in! Yeah, scared us hlf to death. So after seeing 2 snmakes, walking 2-3 miles doiwn into the creek was very risky and fearful, but we prayed so we were all good. On the other hand, we didn't pray for God to keep us away from the sharp rocks, so, yes, we were cut up in the feet, smashong into rock by rock; we were pretty much blind! After crossing the deep water we saw another snake, a water mocassin. Anyway, that day was very exciting, and fun! not humid.

My weekend was filled with dangers, upsets, and relaing momments, some of which I didn't even share about. I wish I could just go back and do it all agina, but as we all know that is impossibe. So as for now I will live in the present, or future, whatever is the right word for it. :)bye!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations, colleges (former grads), and siblings from current students came to our class. It was very entertazining and I learned much about what all they had to teach us.

In this class we went on one amazing fieldtrip to the LSU RURAL LIFE MUSEUM. Even though I did go to this museum in 5th grade, there was much added to it. For instance, the gift shop building got soo much more big. It seemed so different looking, which was good. Our tour guide was a hilarious old man dude person, and he told us all there is to learn about the illage and all who use to live there. It really got me tinking how gratefull we are to have all that we do now. After that we went eating at CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN. It was very very good, but the STARBUCKS coffee afterwards beat it by a long shot; I love my coffee :).

Overall, my year in journalism was an excellent one. I learned so much about what to put in a story, and what not to put into a story. I also learned how to make a long essay out of a small story...alot of improvizing to get those 5-7 sentences. I truely will miss my amazing teacher, Ms. Meloncon, for she helped and encouraged all of us in every way possible. I never saw her in a bad mood, which always made me smile in her class. The stdents that were in here I will miss as well. I have grown so close to people I use to never speak to, and I'm thankful for that everyday. I love you guys all, and wish you all luck over the summer and the next school year. :)

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations

My Year in Journalism!

The year that i spent in Journalism was filled with many, many different emotions and feelings. At first I had no idea what this class was about or what I would be doing, but when I found out that it would be being part of the NP staff, I was excited. I basiclly just thought of it as a way to pass time by and do no work, but I was waayy off. This is probally the only class that I have to write on a story almost every single day hah, but I can say that it did help my writing skills a bit.

Throughout the yer I have experienced soo many weird things that have gone on in journalism. For instance, when we had to do a video project in class that required me to dress up like a nerd. Yeah not my favorite thing ti wear, but it was fun. At least I got out of my uniform for like 10 minutes. Anyways, we did like a ton of videos! All of which we were able to expess our true selves to the class...and it was shocking, in a good way. We also played tons of games like odd man out, in a not, and some other game with a coin,,forgot the name of though.

So the guess speakers we had, mmm well there were many. We pretty much got lectured about anything and everything possible that involves journalism. It was pretty amazing. People from the news stations

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rural LIFE museum

The "Rural life museum" is a mesuem of Louisiana history. The land that the museum is located on, called the Windrush plantation originally belonged to Philemon Thomas. He was a soldier, statesman, and leader of the force that captured Baton Rouge and West Florida from the Spanish in 1810. The land was later owned by this guy named William S. Pike, a pioneer settler and prominent businessman in Baton Rouge.It has a history of many people on the land, and is currently still standing.

Today the land on which these people lived is open to the public so that we may learn about the lives of the them. From gris mills to cemitaries, this museum is by far amazing. The tour guides there offer help in explanning what each building was used for. For instance, one of the smaller cabins, which mainly consisting of a small wood plastered bed and very little living space, was I believe the slave's cabin. The much larger cabins that had the access to lighting (simple candles being hung by the roof that were lit)was the home of the owner of the land and his family. In these rooms it's fully furnished with ancient and elegent attire.

Anothe buliding was the church. This buliding is wooden box building that has pews. In the front there is a podeum where the pastor or priest would teach the local village people about God's word. The sugar mill is another amazing place. I believe that there is actually a live deminstration on how the people back in the 1800's made the sugar, and it wasn't an easy task. Alot of work was put into the making of it, which only makes me more happy that we don't have to do that much work anymore. There is also a video that goes thought the entire history of the Windrush plantation and helps vistitors understand what they are looking at.

The garden is approximately 80 years old. A lovely lake has been added with two small islands in the middle. Duck houses for nesting wood ducks fill the island, and both Louisiana and Japanese irises have been planted around the lakeshore. As years have passed, the gardens have become too shaded for many flowers, and others have become root-bound. Shortly before his death in 1995, Mr. Steele said, “The garden has become old, like me.” But visitors from around the world still stroll the curving paths through a part of Baton Rouge history

The envirement that this place creates is of a decade old village. It is really like walkiing through the 1800's and experiencing the full effect of time when everyone had to work for EVERYTHING. Life back then wasn't as simple as the lives we ;ive today, and taking a tour of this plantation lets everyone see that. So go ahead, learn about the way of life of the people that lived in this state before me and you by visiting the museum.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to prepare for Final Exams...

How many of you find yourself struggling to study for the FINL EXAMS the night before you take them? And how many of you dread to get the results backs? Well you aren't alone in that pradicament. Many of us are so eager for summer vacation that we tend to stop thinkng about school, and iam just as equally guilty as any of you. I mean who can blame us right? Well to ease your worry over the final exams I will give you a few tips to help you stay on task.

Well first of all, whatever your teachers says is gunna be on the exam, IT IS GOING TO BE ON THE EXAM! So note taking, yes eventhough it is a bit boring and handcramping, is still very important. Second of all, those note you took, yeah well they aren't ment for just staring at. You have tyo actually study them. Yes i know that thats like the all time enemy of school children, but you can make it fun. Making it rhyme with random stuff and making little cheat songs (what i like to call them) that will assue that you know the material. Next is being dilegant and not procrastinating. Don't wait the night before your exam to study, allow a few minutes each day to study for each subject. Every morning of exam days eat a good, full breakfast (yes i know some of you have a habit of no doing so) with some sugar, it helps. On the last day of exams (and the last day of school), you have to stay extra alert. This is the day where we all just want to through the books down, stop writing, and leave for 2 months, but you can't. It is very important that you stay focussed til AFTER your final and last exam. once you finished that, then you can go to summer mode.

So prepare for those last three days, then have the best 2 months away from school. We will miss everyone and good luck on the exams! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Besieged Gaza denied water
blockade of the Gaza Strip caused to Palestinians living in the coastal area to not have fresh water.

Who: palestanians


where: Gaza Strip

why: natural cause

how: by blocking the Gaza Strip it caused many of their fresh water

US passes landmark healthcare bill

who: US house of reprsesntatives.

what: they are trying to pass a healthcare law


where: US house of representatives

why: peoples healthcare is getting bad and a new law is needed

how: by making and enforcing the law

Rising waters threaten Nile Delta
who: the nile delta
what: fishermen say that the water is pulluting the fih making it harder for them to get a catch
where: Nile delta and Mediterrainian caost line
why: river is getting polutted
how: they say it is the cause of global warming or something like that

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Easter in other countries!

Easter is the holiday where Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus, and other people celebrate chocolate bunnies. But what do other countires do for this holiday? Is it any different from the way our traditions are? Well actually the same consept of celebrating Chist's resurection is applied, but they do it in much different ways.

In Africa hundreds of people gather in a church whichnis decorated with vintage and kanga, clothes made in the forms of butterflies, floweres, etc. A series of church hyms and the beating of traditional drums. They later on have traditional dances held, then after this mass the families return to their homes and continue their easter day with a meal. So that's how Africa does Easter, but what about Australia?

Since Australia is a huge country, many people celebrate this holiday differently. Most people attend church and have the usual Easter sunday service. They usually have fruit buns for breakfast, which usually have a cross on top. Children often exchange chocolate easter bunnies or easter eggs, which someitmes have little tiys in them...very cool! Tney have a tradition of shareing easter meaks with famuly, which is lmb, beef or chicken, potatoes, carrots, and pumkin.

In Russia, Easter is celebrated back to the time when two holidays were given, known as Judaic holiday or ‘Pasah’. Every year they celebrated the onset of spring for a wee, which was dedicated to the release of Jews from the Egyptian slavery. Today, Easter celebrations in Russia start with Great Lent, on the Monday after Maslenitsa, where special church services take place, followed by fasting. For most of the Russians, Easter is more of a holiday for enjoyment than a day for following customary traditional activities or religious ,matters.

For mexico, this is the time for a great vacation. In many places plays are performed of Christ's ressurection. Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday is where the Pascua is the observance for the period from the Resurrection Sunday to the following Saturday. So they pretty much celebrate it within a span of a week, not just one day.

As you could see, Easter is really about Christ rising from the dead. No matter where you go, that us what it's about. But we did see that countries celebrate it defferently. Many traditions are held, some are weirder than others, but in the end it's all about Jesus!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien

These two men were reporters of "The Washinton Post", who uncovered the mystery of the Nixon skandel to winning the presidential elction. They spent many nights and days trying to uncover the mess being thrown st them, even when they didn't know where to turn. They kept going for the story and didn't stop till the case was settled and president Nixon ened up resigning. But how did these guys start off as such good kournalists? Well I'll take you through how both of them stared out in the newspaper, blogging bsiness.

First we have Bob Woodward, whos real, extended name is Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward. He was born on Illonis on March 26, 1943. He started his writing in Yale University. He was a creative writter, and accepted a job at "The Washington Post" after being denide the spot of lieutenant. Harry M. Rosenfeld th post's metroplitan editor, gave him a two-week trial but did not hire him because of his lack of journalistic experience. After a year he was hired as a Post re[orter on september, 1971. that is how he got started out in the "Washington Post".

Second is Carl Bernstein. He was born on February 1944. He got started out at the "washington post" by graduating from university of maryland, college park. He has gone through alot, including being arrested for drunk driving. But that idnt stop him in getting into the washinton post. he still did the story and made history by spotting and first suspecting Nixon's skandel.

These two men helped and actually stopped a man from cheating his way to the top. They dedicated their work to the watergate scandel, eventhough their lives were sorta in danger. They didn't take no for an answer when asking questions and persecered to get the truth.

Friday, February 19, 2010

How to get rid of annoying siblings

Well if you have had annoying siblings and not known what to do with them, well I believe I may be able to help. you see I have three siblings, and they do everything to get on my nerves! anything they can get thier hands on they annoy me with it. my older brother just tends to not give me rides to the places i want to go to and he tslks to me when i don't want to be talk to. my little sister and little brother do pretty much anything they can to drive me crazy! this is how i would handle it:

To start off, when they nag me to do things for them and all i want to do is slap them and yell "GET AWAY!", I cans imple just stand up, without a single word, and walk into my room, and lock the door. Afterwards i will lidten to my Ipod to drown out the banging on the yes I know. This way they will get tired of banging on my door that they will just give up and do it themselves. I would have won battle number 1.

Battle number 2 is more difficult, but when theres a will theres a way, or thats what I'm believing. The problem here would be with my older brother. Whenever I'm minding my own busness and don't give a leaf of what he's doing, he will come up to me and demand something be done of me, like: fix him hot chocolate, scratch his back, get the laptop charger, and tons of other stuffs. Well normally all I do is say no and eventually I do it for him; at that point battle number 2 would have been his, but I don't give up that easily. I can, and will, scream and say stuff to make him ignore that I would ever do anything for him,,,that may work, and if it doesn't, I can always tye him up and leave him for dead...never going to happen.

The last battle, battle number 3, starts were we are doing something as a family and the "3 odd siblings, logan, rhagan, and easton, start to fight about nothing for no reason, this is when I pull the "it's all mom and dads job now" thought. I simply just go soemwhere quiet while the parents deal with them. It's sooo easy and I get alone time..YAY! They, on the other hand, get into trouble, and i'm laughu=ing on the sidelines hahahhahahhahaha!

Well if you got anything out of this, then it's this simple thing: when being nagged by your siblings, bothered, or when your just fedup with them, IGNORE THEM!!!!! That is pretty much the easiest thing in the world to do. And if you can't learn to ignore them, I'm sorry to say that you are stuck in the ever torment of the siblings quarrle...good luck to those who have trouble some siblings.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The people that I live with that greatly annoy and love me :)

My family is pretty much your basic family, besides the fact that they can get really annoying and waaay too over caring. Some people would say that's a good thing, which i will say in the future, but right now i'm just feeling crushed. In my family I have a mom, dad, older brother, little sister, little brother, and a cat and dog (pets are concidered family). We do have many funn times and caring moments , and other times it's CRAAAZY!!

My parents are the ones I'll talk about first. They were married in the month of MArch or April and have been married for 20 years, soon to be 21. They are a cute couple and some of their friends use to call them "Kent and Barbie", which is cool i guess hah. Anyway, when they had my older brother, Logan, they were happy yes, but i don't really now how they felt because I wasn't born. After him came me, and my mom said that when she held me I felt so femenine, which is good because Iam a girl. After me, like 3 years later, my sister, Rhagan, was born, and then 5 years later it was their last child, my little brother, Easton. As we have grown up they have kept a good discipline on us, but they also know how to be funn cool parents, at times. They are funn and I do love them ALOT!

Now to me and my siblings. Well I'm pretty sure you all know my older brother Logan, yeah the one with the deep blue eyes, haha. Well if you think he's this quiet, reserved peron who never acts like he is a 5 year old in a 18 year olds body, please reconsider that. IT'S ALL A HUGE ACT! He is the crazziest brother I could ask for and totally pure childish. He has his ways of showing comic to the family, and at times its a little too much. He can be a jerk at times too, but he's not nearly as bad as he was when he was younger. I love spending some of my tme with him, when he alwos me to.

Rhagan is like my best friend in the family. Now, logan and I may be only one and a half years apart while me and rhagan are 4 year apart, but rhagan and I have more crazy moments. We always make up the stupidest stories about nothing and can go on about it for days. I loove being crazy with her, and even though we fight at times, I still ove her.

Anyway, the last in the family is Easton my little brother. He is reconized by his white hair, which is pretty obvious to see if you walk by him. He nice words, a handful. At times I would really love to throw him into the wall, but he's not THAT bad. He can be loving at times too hah.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's in the jar??

hey students!! how was your valentines? Good, okay. Well for whats in the jar this month we have peanut butter M&M's. Good yes i know. Well yeah, if any of you students, young and old, want to have a combination of chocolate and peanut butter, then come to the office NOW and study the jar really really hard and attempt to guess the right number. you are limited to the time you have to guess so hurry! As for those of you who have never guessed before, well this can be your first time. Who knows you may get lucky and win. So everyone participate and remember these few simple rules: one guess, no cheating, and other stuff like that. Hope you enjoy it, and good guessing!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Stephen Glass was a very smart man. He wrote amazing magazine stories for the "New Replublic" and everybody loved them. But there was much more to his stories than just a good plot and very educated information. I guess you could say that he would lie in his stories, but the word "lie" seems a little small to use for what he did. He totally remixed the stories and made up things.
He stared out in the paper as a young writter, and I'm guessing that when he wanted more publicity he started going for the really far fetched stories. Once he stared writting one story of fiction, he started a totally different story. One story was of a kid who made this website and got a ton of fame by it, but guess what? It was all fake. Yes ofcourse it was an amazing story, but it didnt line up when they started tearing apart his storiies.

In general, Stephen Glass was an amazing writter, the only problem was the lies. If he would have done without that he would have made a great career as a writter. He did, however, write his own book about his axperiance at the New Rebublic.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

*Prayers for Haiti *

Earthquakes are how the Earth releases stress, by the moving of plates in the Earth's surface. When this stress is great enough, the lithosphere breaks or shifts. As the plates move they put forces on themselves, which inevitably causes the crust to break. When this happens, the stress is released as energy that moves through the Earth in forms of waves, which we feel and call an earthquake. And why would I be telling you this? Well to know about the something helps you understand why it happens; like the devastating earthquake that happened in Haiti on January 12, 2010.

About two weeks ago around 7:00 pm, this destructive quake hit the capital city of Haiti,Port-Au-Prince. It was such a massive disaster that it was rated 7.0 on the Richter scale, which is close to the highest i can get which is 10. Many buildings and homes, families and friends, even loved pets were injured, lost, or even killed by this. Over thousands of buildings were destroyed, and multitudes of people were trapped under them. Some of the people trapped made it out, but others have sadly not, or are still underneath the rubedge. One of those lucky surviors is Wismond Exantus.

This man did the unthinkable and surivied for 11 days under the fallen store he worked at. He was a cashier and when he felt the rumbling he wisely got under his desk, which saved his life. Under all of that debris and no light to tell him what the time of day was or any hope of being rescued, he still held on. He survived by grabbing food items like crisps, soft drinks, beer, whiskey, and sweets. Now that doesn't seem like the ultimate meal to some of us, but for him it was a buffet that kept him from straving to death.

After 11 days living like that, rescuers, who heard little tappings that came from where Wismond was, came and reascued him. He was suprisingly not harmed at all and cheers were going on when he came from under all of the debris. His brother, Enso, was there and embraced him with a hug. Wismond replied that what kept him alive was, "Every night I thought about the revelation that I would survive. It was God who was tucking me away in his arms. It gave me strength".

Many people like Wismond have been rescued and are now in recovery. Others are lingering in the hearts of loved ones. Across the U.S. and other countries peopleare donating money in order to help those hurting and hurt ones, and to rebuild and supply food for them. already billions of dollars have gone to Haiti and the number is still increasing. The generousity that all these nations are giving to Haiti is completly amazing. Haiti is really in need of all of this help and prayers.

There are many people there who have lsot hope in finding there loved ones, and even the government has called off all the searches for lost people. By giving prayer, money, and support to Haiti we can boost their hopes up. Giving them encouragemant is all they need at this momment. We can't fully understand what the mothers who have lost their children or children that have now became orphans feel because we have never been in a situation like this before. I believe that we would put ourselves in their postion and think what we would like others to do to help, then we can all give a little extra to them. Let us all make prayers for Haiti.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Uteach favs.!

I liked Nathans yteach about the pinball thing. That is like soooo cool. I didin't try it yet, but it obviously works because a couple people have already tried it an they said it worked. Eventhough it is a form of cheating at the game, I don't really think it matters because like nobody plays theat game anymore, so imma try it sometime.

The second uteach that I liked was alexis's on the chocolate chip cookies. It's a relly cool way to make cookies using scratch ingredients, which would come in handy if you want some and you have no cookie mix. I plan on doing this like soon because right now im getting hungry for some cookies! plus Alexis passed out cookies which was amazing!!!

Finally I liked Laura's money thing (which might be illegal) the most. It was soo cool. I never knew money had a certain string and what not. It was crazy and it seems like funn, but I won't be going around telling people about this only because it illegal.

20 things that discribe picture form!




Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NP's for other schools!

-NAME: Zachary High School
-LOCATION: Zachary
-NP NAME: Bronco Business

-NAME: Baker High School
-NP NAME: Hornets Herald

-NAME: Carmel High school
-LOCATION: California
-NP NAME: Sandpiper

-NAME: Blair high school
-LOCATION: Motgomery
-NP NAME: silver chip

-NAME: St. Francis high school
-LOCATION: St. frncis
-NP NAME: Spartan weekly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My opinion on blogging

Blogging is actually not as bad as many people give creadit for. It is a bit boring at times, but when your doing a really interesting story it can be real fun. Plus alot of information has to be searched before completing a blog assignment. Many times you have to do an assignment that you have no idea what its about or even what it is, so research is the way to go. It did help when I was actually working with someone else on a blog assignment because it was easier to find information when two people are looking for it. The 3 main blog assignments that I liked where the EDHEADS (all of those activities), Hurricane house, and the wacky hotel places.

The EDHEADS assignment was sooooo amazing! I love how it let me interact with the surguries and activity game things. The graphics were really good and a bit grusome too. I liked doing all of that and having fun.

The hurricane house was funn, but a bit tooo easy for me. It still was an educational and funn way to learn how to be safe in a hurricane. Basickly i just clicked around and won...weird but fun.

The wacky hotels are really cool. They are defiantly some hotels I would vist just because of what they are like. Some of the craziest things are in these hotel rooms. Like a coffin room, a room that is upside down, and many other weord stuff. It was fun looking and learn about them.

my least favorite is the 50 np ideas. They were just so hard and require waaay to much thinking for me. I don't really like them,,,at all. I would rather do alot of research bloggs other than the np ideas. they are soo hard to think of.